Page 381 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 381

 The definitions provided in this glossary are specific to the curriculum context in which the terms are used.
action-oriented approach/l’approche actionnelle. An approach to language learning in which language is seen as a tool for performing communicative tasks or activities in a social context.
audience/l’audience. The readers, listeners, or viewers for which a particular work is intended.
anchor charts /les diagrammes de référence. Charts designed by the class or by the teacher that list reference items (e.g., parts of speech; listening, speaking, reading, and/ or writing strategies; commonly used verbs; idiomatic expressions) or steps, procedures, and/or processes for a particular activity (e.g., the stages of the writing process, procedures for a literature circle).
authentic language task/la tâche d’apprentissage authentique. A language learning task that involves using language in relevant real-world situations (e.g., exchanging emails with a friend, making a purchase in a store, reading the menu from a restaurant, listening to a podcast on a subject of interest) to enhance one’s understanding and/or one’s ability to communicate.
authentic materials/les documents authentiques. Materials originally created in French and intended for a general French-speaking audience (e.g., newspaper articles, short stories, novels, poems, tele- vision programs, films, websites). Language structures in authentic materials are not
simplified or adapted, as they are in texts designed specifically for French-language learners.
characteristics of text forms/les carac- téristiques distinctives des types de texte. The key elements of a particular text form (e.g., story: plot, characters, setting, theme).
cognate/le mot apparenté. A word that is related to a word in another language (or in the same language) because the two words have a common source (e.g., comprehend/comprendre, petty/petit,
a souvenir/souvenir, hospital/hôpital).
commonly used verbs/les verbes usuels. The most frequently used verbs in the French language (e.g., avoir, être, aller, dire, faire, pouvoir, savoir, venir, voir, vouloir).
concrete poem/la poésie concrète. Visual poetry, in which the shape or form created by the placement of the words helps to convey the idea/theme of the poem.
conventions. See language conventions.
critical thinking/la pensée critique. Some aspects of thinking critically are: questioning, hypothesizing, interpreting, inferring, analysing, comparing, contrast- ing, evaluating, predicting, reasoning, distinguishing between alternatives, making and supporting judgements, elaborating on ideas, identifying values and issues, detecting bias, detecting implied as well as explicit meanings.

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