Page 329 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 329

 subjonctif présent/passé and the prepositions that precede the infinitif (e.g., “pour qu’elles fassent”/”pour faire”, “sans qu’il soit su”/”sans savoir”, “à condition qu’elles puissent”/”à condition de pouvoir”, “de crainte qu’il ne soit”/”de crainte d’être”).
C2.2 Text Features and Elements of Style: identify features and stylistic elements of a var- iety of text forms in French, including literary, informational, graphic, and media forms, and explain how they help to convey the meaning (e.g., the connotations of words add extra levels of meaning in a poem; alliteration in a slogan helps make it memorable; an extended metaphor in a poem or fiction provides a concrete image that helps clarify an abstract idea or a complex emotion; figurative language and descriptive words evoke an emotional response in literary works)
Teacher prompts: “Comment l’emploi de figures de style (comparaisons, métaphore, personnifi- cation, etc.) ajoute-t-il au texte descriptif?” “Comment le choix du style de l’auteur influence-t-il l’interprétation du message?”
Instructional tips:
(1) By highlighting its use in different literary works, teachers can ensure that students under- stand that, in literature, the passé simple is equivalent to the passé composé (e.g., “La jeune fille écrivit la lettre, mais elle se plaignit d’être fatiguée et elle monta dans sa chambre”).
(2) Teachers can discuss with students how figurative elements such as personification help communicate meaning (e.g., “Cette musique habitait ce foyer depuis deux générations”).
C2.3 Metacognition:
(a) explain which of a variety of strategies they found helpful before, during, and after reading to understand texts;
(b) evaluate their areas of greater and lesser strength as readers, and plan steps they can take to improve their reading skills (e.g., determine reading strategies that they might use to help them understand a historical narrative; identify strategies used to differentiate fact from opinion and assess their effectiveness; describe the similarities and differences in the reading strategies they would apply to a poem as compared to a print advertisement)
Teacher prompts: “Pourquoi devez-vous adapter vos stratégies de lecture selon le discours (p. ex., narratif, argumentatif, injonctif) et la forme
(p. ex., poétique, théâtrale) du texte?” “Comment pourriez-vous anticiper vos résultats en lecture?
Qu’est-ce que vous devez faire pour y arriver?” “Qu’est-ce qui peut vous aider à réussir?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to use relative pronouns (e.g., “lequel”, “auquel”, “duquel”) when giving complex or precise information about their reading strategies (e.g., “C’est la raison pour laquelle...”, “Voici les stratégies auxquelles...”, “Voici les livres au sujet desquels...”).
C3. Intercultural Understanding
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 Intercultural Awareness: using information from a variety of French texts, identify French- speaking communities worldwide, find out about aspects of their cultures, and make connections to personal experiences and their own and other communities (e.g., read about various French- speaking historical figures and determine their
role in the development and spread of the French language and culture worldwide; research the social, economic, and political context in a French- speaking country to gain a better understanding
of excerpts of the works of one of its authors; using sources such as the website of the Programme
des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, explain the agenda of an environmental project in a French-speaking community; compare the cost
of postsecondary studies in a variety of French- speaking countries with the cost in Ontario)
Teacher prompts: “Comment votre emploi de la technologie et votre accès à des ressources en ligne vous aident-ils à mieux étudier et connaître d’autres cultures?” “Quel est le rôle du Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement sur notre planète?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can direct students’ attention to the use of the infinitif passé in texts describing the achievements of a historical figure (e.g., “Après avoir exploré la région des Grands Lacs en 1670, Louis Jolliet, explorateur de naissance canadienne, avec le père Jacques Marquette, a reconnu le cours du Mississippi en 1673”).
C3.2 Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions: using information from French texts, identify and demonstrate an understanding of sociolinguistic conventions used in a variety of situations in diverse French-speaking communities (e.g., describe the influence of other languages on the French song lyrics that they read; analyse key
French Immersion

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