Page 293 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 293

 in diverse French-speaking communities* (e.g., identify and explain differences between familiar, colloquial, and formal language; note the vocabulary and register used by people of different age groups; listen to an interview and explain how the speakers use colloquial expressions to convey their meaning)
Teacher prompts: “Comment changez-vous votre vocabulaire lorsque vous communiquez avec quelqu’un beaucoup plus âgé que vous?” “Relevez les expressions familières que vous avez entendues dans l’entretien. À votre avis, pourquoi les a-t-on utilisées?”
Instructional tip: While listening to a dialogue, teachers can direct students’ attention to markers of language register and can encourage students to discuss them using the plus-que-parfait and conditionnel passé in conditional sentences that begin with “si” (e.g., “Si j’avais parlé avec ma grand-mère, j’aurais changé...”).
  * Students are encouraged to identify examples of usage that is specific to particular regions or communities (e.g., French- speaking communities in Africa and Asia) but are not expected to do so.
French Immersion

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