Page 233 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
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 dernièrement grâce à la technologie, qu’il existe à prèsent des programmes de rattrapage et
des services tels l’information sur les carrières, la planification de la formation et l’aide à la recherche d’un emploi”, “J’avais de telles envies de chocolat que mon ami m’en a
acheté immédiatement”).
B1.3 Speaking with Fluency: speak with a smooth pace, appropriate intonation, and accuracy
in communications in French (prepared and spontaneous) about a variety of topics, including literary topics (e.g., deliver a humorous monologue using tone and inflection to express sarcasm; avoid awkward pauses by using familiar vocabulary to describe an idea or object when the exact term is not known or has been forgotten; narrate a classic fable using pauses for dramatic emphasis; in a small group, reproduce the pronunciation and rhythm heard in a recorded play)
Teacher prompts: “Comment améliorez-vous
le débit de votre discours?” “Comment rendez- vous votre exposé plus fluide et expressif?” “Comment le choix d’un sujet courant ou personnel influence-t-il le débit de la production orale?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can model correct intonation and rhythm and encourage students to increase fluency by thinking in French instead of mentally translating from their first language.
B1.4 Creating Media Texts: create oral media texts in French on a variety of topics, using forms, conventions, and techniques appropriate to the purpose and audience (e.g., narrate a video clip promoting inclusiveness and acceptance within the school community; deliver an on-site news or sports report; hold a mock press conference with
a general manager of a sports team to discuss leadership and plans for the season; in a small group, produce a television panel discussion presenting differing viewpoints on workplace issues in Canada; narrate a documentary on an economic or environmental topic)
Teacher prompts: “Comment une causerie télévisée vous donne-t-elle l’occasion de présenter plusieurs perspectives sur un seul sujet?” “Quelle technique utilisez-vous pour créer un document médiatique? Pourquoi?” “Comment vous assurez-vous que la technique que vous utilisez pour diffuser votre message s’adresse aux diverses auditoires?” “Comment votre audience détermine-t-elle le langage et
le vocabulaire que vous employez dans un documentaire?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students participating in a panel discussion
to use relative pronouns such as “lequel” when
referring to inanimate objects (e.g., “C’est la raison pour laquelle j’ai posé cette question”, “Les idées auxquelles j’ai pensé...”, “J’aime beaucoup les écoles à côté desquelles il y a un parc”).
B1.5 Applying Language Structures: communi- cate their meaning clearly, using parts of speech and word order appropriately (e.g., role-play a scenario in which each participant has a different and potentially conflicting agenda, using the correct sequence of verb tenses; use disjunctive pronouns correctly in both prepared and spontaneous conversations; incorporate relative pronouns such as“lequel”into their speech)
Teacher prompts: “Comment formule-t-on une hypothèse?” “Comment exprime-t-on un fait considéré comme accompli dans le futur de manière certaine?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can model the sequence of the plus-que-parfait and conditionnel passé used with “si” to express hypotheses, and can encourage students to use this structure in spontaneous conversations (e.g., “Si j’avais su, je serais allé lui rendre visite à l’hôpital”, “S’il avait eu un empêchement, il nous aurait prévenus”).
(2) Teachers can encourage students to use disjunctive pronouns such as “moi”, “toi”, “eux”, “elles” for emphasis following a preposition (e.g., “Vas-tu au cinéma sans elles?”), with “-même(s)” (e.g., “C’est toi, Mamadou?” “Oui, moi-même”), or independently (e.g., “Qui veut commencer?” “Eux”).
B2. Speaking to Interact
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 Using Speaking Interaction Strategies: demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour when interacting with others in a variety of formal and informal situations (e.g., consider their choice of words before responding in spontaneous conversations; take turns to express and defend their opinions in a group discussion;
in negotiations, demonstrate respect for the feelings and perspectives of others)
Teacher prompts: “Comment les situations improvisées vous forcent-elles à approfondir votre langue?” “Dans quelle mesure un débat peut-il vous élargir votre point de vue sur un sujet?” “Comment pourriez-vous réagir respec- tueusement dans une situation improvisée?” “De quelle manière organisez-vous la discussion
Extended French

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