Page 201 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 201

and intonation to reflect their message and the situation; deliver an oral presentation on a familiar topic, such as family rules and routines, with appropriate phrasing and emphasis; use vocabulary and expressions correctly in spontaneous role plays with peers about familiar subjects)
Teacher prompts: “Quelle est la meilleure stratégie pour vous aider à parler couramment le français?” “Comment pouvez-vous vous assurer que votre exposé est cohérent?” “Comment le ton de votre voix facilite-t-il la compréhension d’un message?” “Comment pouvez-vous améliorer la précision et la fluidité de votre conversation?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can help students speak more naturally by reviewing the use of pronouns to replace longer noun phrases (e.g., “Hier soir je lui ai parlé au téléphone” instead of “Hier soir j’ai parlé à mon ami au téléphone”, “J’y suis allé immédiatement” instead of “Je suis allé immédiatement au bureau du directeur”).
B1.4 Creating Media Texts: create a variety of oral media texts in French about familiar and academic topics, using forms, conventions,
and techniques appropriate to the purpose
and audience (e.g., produce a radio show, video, or podcast that distinguishes between the facts and opinions presented in a news report; record a song to stimulate discussion about an issue affecting adolescents; collaborate to record a message pro- moting the school’s extracurricular programs to potential students; in a small group, record a radio commercial for their geography class about the use and/or protection of Canada’s natural environment; provide the narration for a video clip about the role of music and dance in First Nations, Métis, or Inuit communities)
Teacher prompts: “Pourquoi est-il nécessaire de distinguer entre les faits et les opinions dans les nouvelles?” “Comment et pourquoi choisissez- vous le type de média que vous allez utiliser?” “Pourquoi est-il essentiel de bien connaître votre public cible avant d’enregistrer votre texte médiatique?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can provide opportunities for pairs of students to analyse and discuss news reports to develop their ability to distinguish between fact and opinion.
(2) Teachers can encourage students to incor- porate reflexive and other pronominal verbs such as “s’adresser à”, “s’approcher de”, “se fier à”, “s’intéresser à”, “se moquer de”, “se méfier de”, “se souvenir de”, “s’exclamer” into their news reports (e.g., “Je m’approche du chantier, je me méfie bien et je m’adresse au frère de la victime pour vérifier...”).
B1.5 Applying Language Structures: communi- cate their meaning clearly, using parts of speech and word order appropriately (e.g., describe why they enjoy a particular interest or hobby, using possessive pronouns; provide advice to a Grade 8 student about the transition to high school, using appropriate verbs and tenses; use the subjonctif présent of high-frequency verbs such as“aller”, “faire”,“savoir”with the impersonal expression
“il faut”to express necessity; refer to something nearby or far away by using pronoms démons- tratifs such as “celui”, “celui-ci”, “celui-là”)
Teacher prompts: “Comment parle-t-on de nos intérêts et passe-temps préférés?” “Comment donnez-vous des conseils à des camarades plus jeunes?” “Comment exprimez-vous une nécessité?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can suggest that students use possessive pronouns, such as “le mien”, “le nôtre”, “les nôtres”, as they speak about their interests and hobbies.
(2) Teachers can direct students to use verbs such as “pouvoir”, “vouloir”, “devoir” followed by the infinitif when giving advice or directions (e.g., “Tu dois savoir que les salles de classe sont généralement numérotées; les numéros commencent souvent par le même chiffre que l’étage”).
B2. Speaking to Interact
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 Using Speaking Interaction Strategies: demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour when interacting with others in a variety of formal and informal situations (e.g., elaborate on a peer’s ideas in
order to demonstrate and extend their own under- standing; use culturally appropriate body language during a conversation; ask questions to encourage further discussion in a group)
Teacher prompts: “Pourquoi est-il important d’approfondir les idées de vos camarades?” “Comment les gestes et le langage corporel peuvent-ils changer ou clarifier votre message?” “Comment pouvez-vous encourager un cama- rade à communiquer ses idées et continuer la discussion?” “Que faites-vous quand quelqu’un monopolise la conversation?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can model different types of questions that serve to extend a discus- sion and can encourage students to use them in their interactions with peers.
 Extended French

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