Page 135 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 135

B1.3 Speaking with Fluency: speak with a smooth pace, appropriate intonation, and accurate pronunciation in prepared communications about a range of familiar topics (e.g., recite tongue twisters at different rates to practise pronunciation and emphasis; leave a clear, brief message on an answering machine with minimal hesitation)
Teacher prompts: “Comment est-ce que tu te prépares pour laisser un bon message dans la boîte vocale d’un répondeur?” “Pourquoi est-il important de planifier ce que tu veux dire avant une conversation?”
B1.4 Applying Language Structures: communi- cate their meaning clearly, using parts of speech and word order appropriately (e.g., describe themselves and others using correct forms of sensory adjectives; express opinions using interjections and familiar verbs; use appropriate prepositions with geographical names when describing places to visit as a tourist; maintain a conversation by following a model of questions and answers)
Teacher prompts: “Quelles sont les destinations préférées des jeunes? Pourquoi?” “Dans quels pays voudrais-tu voyager? Pourquoi?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can suggest that students use appropriate prepositions when referring to things located in specific countries and cities (e.g., “au Sénégal”, “en France”, “à Monaco”, “à Marrakech”, “au Laos”, “au Cambodge”).
(2) Teachers can model the use of words such as “hier”, “aujourd’hui”, “demain”, “mardi prochain”, “en été”, and “l’année prochaine” in responses to questions with “quand” that require an expression that indicates a period of time (e.g., “Quand est-ce que tu pars à Montréal? Et quand est-ce que tu reviens?”, “Quand partez-vous à Montréal? Et quand revenez-vous?”).
B2. Speaking to Interact
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 Using Speaking Interaction Strategies: demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour when interacting with others in a variety of structured, guided, formal, and informal situations (e.g., use body language and proximity to engage the audience; share personal experiences and ideas linked to those of others; use pauses appropriately during a conversation)
Teacher prompts: “De quelle façon les pauses peuvent-elles prolonger et/ou raccourcir une conversation?” “Pourquoi faut-il contrôler le
volume de ta voix lors d’une discussion de groupe?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can suggest that students use appropriate sentence starters (e.g., “Je pense que”, “Je déduis que”, “Il me semble que”) when acknowledging and expressing differing points of view.
(2) Teachers can encourage students to use the possessive when discussing personal opinions and the verbs “pouvoir” and “vouloir” to express possibilities and desires.
B2.2 Interacting: exchange information, ideas, and opinions with others in structured and guided spoken interactions about matters of personal interest and familiar topics, with teacher modelling as appropriate (e.g., ask and respond to questions to exchange personal information; ask questions for clarification or to elicit additional information; compare likes and dislikes with peers; discuss the setting, sequence of events, scenes, and characters in a text, using a graphic organizer to guide the conversation; give feedback to a classmate in a peer-assessment activity; negotiate solutions to problems; conduct opinion surveys among classmates about a variety of topics; act as facilitator during
a class discussion)
Teacher prompts: “Comment peux-tu partager tes préférences personnelles?” “Qu’est-ce qui t’aide à améliorer ta précision et ta fluidité?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can suggest that students use expressions such as “selon toi/ vous” and “à mon avis” when expressing opinions in group and class discussions.
B2.3 Metacognition:
(a) describe strategies they found helpful before, during, and after speaking to communicate effectively;
(b) identify their areas of greater and lesser strength as speakers, and plan steps they can take to improve their speaking skills (e.g., make revisions to the form and content of speech using feedback from peers and the teacher)
Teacher prompts: “Quelles stratégies utilises-tu lorsque tu parles pour te rappeler des points importants?” “Comment est-ce que tu changes la façon dont tu parles au cours d’une présenta- tion si tu réalises que la classe ne te comprend pas? Quelles autres stratégies peux-tu utiliser?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to use the superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs when identifying speaking strategies they found helpful.
 Core French

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