Page 131 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 131

By the end of this course, students will:
 A1. Listening to Understand: determine meaning in a variety of authentic and adapted oral French texts, using a range of listening strategies;
A2. Listening to Interact: interpret messages accurately while interacting in French for a variety of purposes and with diverse audiences;
A3. Intercultural Understanding: demonstrate an understanding of information in oral French texts about aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of French sociolinguistic conventions used in a variety of situations and communities.
A1. Listening to Understand
By the end of this course, students will:
A1.1 Using Listening Comprehension Strategies: identify a range of listening comprehension strategies, and use them before, during, and after listening to understand oral French texts (e.g., use prior knowledge and contextual clues to make deductions and inferences while listening; identify cognates; make predictions about key ideas in an oral text and verify predictions as they listen to the text; take notes to retain information)
Teacher prompts: “Comment l’écoute de la première partie d’un texte audio t’aide-t-il à prédire la suite?” “Quels détails du texte t’aident à vérifier ou à modifier tes prédictions?” “Quelles sont les expressions françaises entendues
qui ressemblent aux expressions de ta langue maternelle (p. ex., mots apparentés, faux amis)?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can suggest that students use the futur proche (e.g., “Je vais entendre”, “Il va dire”, “Elles vont chanter”) when predicting ideas before listening to an oral text.
A1.2 Demonstrating Understanding: demon- strate an understanding of the purpose and meaning of oral French texts about everyday matters and matters of personal interest, with contextual and visual support (e.g., use words, pictures, and/or actions to restate the main idea and related details in an oral report about First Nations
people; identify familiar words and expressions in a song; act out a procedure based on a classmate’s description; identify a character from a story or movie based on a peer’s description)
Teacher prompts: “Comment le vocabulaire familier t’aide-t-il à comprendre le message?” “Quels sont les indices qui t’aident à reconnaître les diverses formes de textes audio?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can model how the singular, plural, and inclusive forms of the impératif are used in directions.
A2. Listening to Interact
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 Using Interactive Listening Strategies: identify and use interactive listening strategies to suit a variety of situations while participating in structured and guided social interactions and interactions about everyday matters (e.g., react appropriately to personal accounts shared by a peer; use familiar words and phrases to paraphrase a speaker and verify understanding)
Teacher prompts: “Comment les interventions verbales et non verbales des pairs enrichissent- elles une conversation?” “Comment le fait d’interpréter un message en utilisant tes propres mots t’aidera-t-il à confirmer les idées clés?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can model the use of the negative “ne... pas” with the passé composé when para- phrasing a message.
 Core French

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