Page 81 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 81

 Study Skills and Strategies
3.2 identify and use appropriate time-management techniques to organize school work (e.g., use an agenda book; follow timetables; set goals to complete the stages of a homework project; make and follow plans to help meet assignment and evaluation deadlines)
Strategies for the Cooperative Classroom
3.3 negotiate roles and tasks in cooperative learn- ing activities, games, and teamwork (e.g., assume various roles as required in jigsaw learning groups, literature circles, or think-pair-share activities; engage in peer- and self-evaluation activities)
Teacher prompt: “What role did each person play in the cooperative activity? How did that person’s role help the group complete the task?”
Knowledge of School and Community Resources
3.4 identify a number of school and community resources that are available to support learn- ing (e.g., settlement agencies, school and commu- nity information meetings, school-community partnerships, peer-tutoring services)
By the end of this course, students will:
Understanding Media Texts
4.1 view, read, and listen to a number of media texts to obtain information and complete assigned tasks (e.g., school announcements; television, radio, and Internet news broadcasts; newspaper and magazine advertisements; short documentaries about Canada; online databases with Canadian information and images)
Interpreting Media Texts
4.2 identify features that are used to appeal to specific audiences in a number of different types of media texts (e.g., font style and size in product packages; pictures, illustrations, and colour in a brochure; the age of people in a tele- vision commercial or photo image)
Creating Media Texts
4.3 create media texts appropriate for a number of specific purposes (e.g., an advertisement, brochure, or design for a billboard to promote
a product, service, or message; a stamp to com- memorate an event in Canadian history; a book jacket to promote a favourite story or book)
 4. Developing Media Knowledge and Skills
English as a Second Language

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