Page 70 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 70

  ESL Level 1, Open
Language Reference Chart – ESL Level 1
count: singular and plural of regular and high-frequency irregular nouns (e.g., table/tables, child/children)
non-count (e.g., water, money, bread, coffee, sugar) possessive form of proper nouns (e.g., Pablo’s hat) articles a, an, the
ordinal (e.g., first, fifth, twentieth)
subject: I, you, he, she, it, we, they
object: me, you, him, her, it, us, them
demonstrative: this/these, that/those
impersonal expressions: It + be (e.g., It’s noisy in the classroom.)
be (e.g., I am a student.)
there is/are
have (e.g., I have a sister.)
can: for ability and permission (e.g., I can dance. I can go to the dance.) simple present (e.g., I live in Canada.)
simple past regular verbs (e.g., They talked to me.)
simple past high-frequency irregular verbs (e.g., He came late.) simple future (e.g., We will meet in the library.)
present progressive (e.g., She is sitting.)
contractions with be, do (e.g., She’s sitting. We don’t like that music.) imperative forms (e.g., Come in. Sit down.)
let’s (e.g., Let’s ask the teacher.)
possessive: my, your, his, her, its, our, their
high-frequency (e.g., red, big, rainy, young, Canadian, round) comparative/superlative (e.g., taller/tallest; happier/happiest) some, any, every, all
used to modify adjectives (e.g., very tall, really late)
some adverbs of frequency and time (e.g., today, always, never,
sometimes, then) too
This chart shows the structures that students are expected to learn through work done in all four strands. These structures should be taught in context rather than in isolation (e.g., as part of a food unit, students learn the difference between count and non-count nouns by surveying the foods found in their homes).
I. Grammatical Structures

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