Page 69 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 69

   3. Adapting to School Life in Ontario
By the end of this course, students will:
Knowledge of the Ontario Secondary School System
3.1 describe a few procedures and rules in use
in the Ontario secondary school system
(e.g., school attendance procedures, emergency procedures, the school code of conduct, appropri- ate dress at school, appropriate ways to address school staff, responsibility for textbooks and lockers, procedures for field trips)
Teacher prompt: “What are some rules we always follow in this school?”
Study Skills and Strategies
3.2 use appropriate notebook conventions and formats in all subject areas (e.g., dates, titles, headings, dividers)
Strategies for the Cooperative Classroom
3.3 work cooperatively with a partner or in a group (e.g., use appropriate behaviour in coedu- cational, mixed age, or mixed cultural groupings, including showing equal respect for male and female classmates)
Knowledge of School and Community Resources
3.4 identify a few school and community resources that are available to support learning (e.g., key school staff and locations, school guidance ser- vices, school settlement workers, newcomer resources available from, school and public libraries)
Teacher prompt: “How can you find school and community resources (or help, services, information) in your home (or first) lan- guage? Can you bring some in to share with the class?”
By the end of this course, students will:
Understanding Media Texts
4.1 view, read, and listen to simple media texts to obtain information and complete assigned tasks (e.g., report the weather as forecast on tele- vision; compile sports scores from the newspaper; obtain transportation schedules from websites; scan flyers to price school supplies)
Interpreting Media Texts
4.2 identify the purpose and intended audience of a few different types of media texts (e.g., advertising flyers, travel brochures, settlement services pamphlets, DVDs, websites)
Creating Media Texts
4.3 create simple media texts for a few different purposes (e.g., posters or brochures about the school or community, a collage on first impres- sions of Canada)
4. Developing Media Knowledge and Skills
English as a Second Language

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