Page 171 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 171

 Spelling Strategies
3.2 use a wide variety of spelling strategies to spell words accurately (e.g., divide words into syllables; consult specialized print and electronic dictionaries; use electronic spell-checkers; record difficult words in a spelling list or journal, high- lighting tricky letters or groups of letters)
4. Using the Writing Process
By the end of this course, students will:
Using Pre-writing Strategies
4.1 use a wide variety of pre-writing strategies to generate vocabulary and develop and organ- ize ideas for writing (e.g., consider purpose and audience in choosing a form for writing; generate ideas using webs, discussions with peers and the teacher, and prior reading and experience; cluster and sort ideas and information; consult the teacher- librarian about relevant print and electronic resource materials)
Producing Drafts
4.2 produce draft pieces of writing using a wide variety of strategies and models (e.g., a variety of graphic organizers, jot-notes made while read- ing, student exemplars or authentic texts)
Teacher prompt: “What are some strategies writers use to convince the reader? Can you use these strategies in your own writing?”
Revising and Editing
4.3 revise, edit, and proofread drafts using a wide variety of strategies (e.g., reread for clarity and organization of ideas; use print and electronic resources to confirm spelling; vary word choice through the use of a thesaurus; review drafts with the teacher and peers, and explain how a piece of writing has evolved)
Teacher prompt: “Explain how your diction- ary and thesaurus helped you with your revisions.”
4.4 use a wide variety of elements of effective presentation to publish a final product (e.g.,
a cast list and drama dialogue format for a play, a table of contents for a handbook or manual, a brief glossary of terms for an essay about new technology, computer-generated graphs and charts for a science report)
4.5 select and use a wide variety of writing strat- egies before, during, and after writing, and reflect after writing on the strategies they found most helpful (e.g., use a reflection journal to explain thinking and identify strengths, areas for improvement, and next steps; respond to teacher and peer questions about why they used certain strategies more often than others)
Teacher prompt: “In what way does reading a variety of texts help you in your writing?”
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