Page 170 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 170

 Grade 11E,LDUnLieverls5it,yOPpreenparation
 1. write in a variety of forms for different purposes and audiences;
2. organize ideas coherently in writing;
3. use correctly the conventions of written English appropriate for this level, including grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation;
4. use the stages of the writing process.
  1. Writing for Different Purposes 2. Organizing Ideas in Writing
 3. Developing Accuracy in Writing
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
Academic Purposes
1.1 write longer and more complex texts to con- vey information and ideas for academic pur- poses using a wide variety of forms (e.g., a series of linked paragraphs synthesizing informa- tion from an independent research project about the changing role of technology; a news report using the five-W’s format; a mystery story using the structures and conventions of the genre; a report outlining the steps in a science experiment)
Personal Purposes
1.2 write longer and more complex texts to express ideas and feelings using a wide variety of forms (e.g., poems, song lyrics/raps, blogs, e-mails or letters, narratives, descriptions, journal entries)
Community and Workplace Purposes
1.3 write longer and more complex texts to com- municate information for official and personal purposes using a wide variety of forms (e.g.,
a résumé and cover letter; an online purchase agreement; a letter of complaint to a customer
service department; a letter to cancel a contract, service, or subscription)
By the end of this course, students will:
Organizing Ideas
2.1 organize information to develop a central idea in a structured composition of three or more paragraphs (e.g., use a graphic organizer to map cause-and-effect relationships for a report about an endangered species; use the five-W’s format in a newspaper article about a real or imaginary community event)
Teacher prompt: “Are there any key ideas that are missing or that need more explanation?”
Linking Ideas
2.2 use a wide variety of connecting devices and transition words and phrases to show rela- tionships between ideas in linked sentences and paragraphs (e.g., now that, as a result of, because of, although, even though)
By the end of this course, students will:
Grammatical Structures and Conventions of Print
3.1 use correctly the grammatical structures and print conventions of written English appro- priate for this level (see the Language Reference Chart for ELD Level 5 on pages 172–173)

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