Page 125 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 125

 • confirm understanding of texts after they have read them (e.g., retell events in a story sequentially; record key information and facts using simple graphic organizers)
Teacher prompt: “What do the pictures tell you about the book you are going to read?”
Text Features
2.2 identify a few features of simple texts that help convey meaning (e.g., alphabetical order, pagination, illustrations and photographs, titles, headlines, captions)
Connecting Devices
2.3 identify a few simple connecting devices and transition words that are used to show rela- tionships among ideas in simple texts (e.g., numbers and bullets in a list;“and”,“or”,“but”, “because”)
Grammatical Structures
2.4 demonstrate an understanding of the gram- matical structures of English and conventions of print used in texts appropriate for this level (see the Language Reference Chart for ELD Level 1 on pages 128–129)
3. Developing Vocabulary
By the end of this course, students will:
Vocabulary Building Strategies
3.1 use a few basic vocabulary acquisition strat- egies to build vocabulary (e.g., use a bank of sight words for regular reference; use pictures and illustrations to clarify meaning; make word lists; identify sight words in simple stories; add to word walls; complete word puzzles)
Word Recognition Strategies
3.2 use knowledge of simple patterns of word structure to determine the meaning of unfa- miliar words, with teacher guidance (e.g., rhyming patterns, sound-symbol relationships, plural endings for regular count nouns)
Teacher prompt: “Listen to these three words: ‘bat’, ‘log’, ‘cat’. Which words rhyme?”
Use of Resources
3.3 use a few different resources to build vocabu- lary, with teacher support (e.g., picture diction- aries, classroom word walls, personal word banks)
4. Developing Research Skills
By the end of this course, students will:
Locating Information
4.1 locate key information in simple texts, with teacher support (e.g., pictures, maps, emergency symbols, washing instructions, traffic signs, cash-register sales receipts)
Extracting and Organizing Information
4.2 extract, record, and organize key information, with teacher support (e.g., put students’ names in alphabetical order; record key words on a word wall)
Critical Thinking
4.3 identify the source of information used for a school project (e.g., book, agenda, calendar, dictionary, flyer, sign, magazine)
Teacher prompt: “What do you do in a fire drill? Where is this information in the class- room? Are there other signs like this in the school? Why are these signs important?”
English Literacy Development

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