Page 123 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 123

 Sound Patterns
3.2 use appropriately a few pronunciation, stress, rhythm, and intonation patterns of spoken English to communicate meaning accurately (e.g., distinguish between short and long vowels [lip/line], consonants and consonant clusters [tea/tree/three], and voiced and unvoiced conso- nants [bit/pit]; finish statements with falling intonation and questions with rising intonation)
Teacher prompt: “Put your hand on your throat and say ‘zzz’ (as in ‘zoo’). Do you feel a buzzing? Now say ‘sss’ (as in ‘Sue’). Do you still feel the buzzing?”
Communication Strategies
3.3 use a few oral communication strategies to bridge gaps in spoken communication (e.g., use gestures and mime to clarify meaning; ask for repetition when a message is not understood)
English Literacy Development

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