Page 7 - English OLC Literacy Course 12 (2003)
P. 7

 Requirements of the OSSLT* WRITING
• Writingformsused
The OSSLT requires students to produce four pieces of writing, one in each of the following forms:
– asummary
– an information paragraph
– an opinion piece (“a series of paragraphs expressing an opinion”)
– a news report
• Writingskillsdemonstrated
Also required in the OSSLC
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How OSSLT requirements are reflected in the requirements of the OSSLC
Students are required to produce several pieces of writing, on self-selected and teacher-assigned topics, in each of the four forms. They are also asked to write in other forms relevant to their personal interests and future destinations.
                                                                                                          The writing tasks are designed to measure students’ skills in communicating ideas and information clearly. Students must demonstrate their skills in the following key areas:
– developing a main idea
– providing supporting details
– organizing and linking ideas and information
– using an appropriate tone for the specified purpose and audience
– using correct grammar and punctuation
– using correct spelling
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Students are required to demonstrate in their writing all of the key skills measured on the test. They also learn and are expected to demonstrate their use of the writing process (pre-writing, organizing, drafting, revising, editing), which provides a necessary framework for their writing.
Students demonstrate literacy skills within the time limits of the test.
Students demonstrate literacy skills by completing a variety of tasks and assign- ments throughout the term and in a final evaluation (see pp. 12–13 of this document). Time is allowed for students to use reading strategies and the writing process.
 *Adapted from the EQAO website, at

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