Page 6 - English OLC Literacy Course 12 (2003)
P. 6

 Comparison of the Requirements of the OSSLT and the OSSLC
 Requirements of the OSSLT*
• Typesoftextsread
Also required in the OSSLC
How OSSLT requirements are reflected in the requirements of the OSSLC
                                                                                                         The OSSLT requires students to read twelve assigned selections of varying lengths and degrees of challenge on a range of topics.
The reading selections include:
– informational texts
– narrative texts
– graphic texts
The emphasis in the test is on informational texts.
• Readingskillsdemonstrated
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Students read many self-selected and teacher-assigned informational, narrative, and graphic texts of varying lengths and degrees of challenge on a range of topics, including topics relevant to the students’ interests and postsecondary destinations.
 Students answer questions designed to measure their skills in understanding and interpreting the texts they have read. They must demonstrate skills in three
key areas:
– understanding directly stated ideas and information
– understanding indirectly stated ideas and information
– making connections between personal knowledge and experiences and the ideas and information in texts
• Readingstrategiesused
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Students demonstrate their understanding of texts and their skills in the three key areas in various ways – for example, through written and oral answers to ques- tions, through discussions and teacher- student conferences, and through written responses to texts.
 Students are expected to apply the following reading strategies to understand texts:
– using knowledge of structure and organizational elementsoftextstounderstandtheirmeaning,purpose, and intended audience
– using visual features of texts to understand their meaning and purpose
– using knowledge and context to understand unfamiliar and technical vocabulary and language used figuratively
– using grammatical structures and punctuation to understand meaning
Students learn and demonstrate the ability to select and apply a range of reading strategies:
• beforereading,topreviewtextsandbuild on prior knowledge
• duringreading,tomonitorcomprehen- sion and record ideas
• afterreading,toconsolidateandextend understanding

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