Page 78 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 78

 Interpreting Texts
1.5 develop and explain interpretations of both simple and complex oral texts, using evidence from the text and the oral and visual cues used in it to support their interpretations (e.g., com- pare live recordings of songs with studio versions to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each format; select or create a visual to accompany a monologue)
Teacher prompt: “What audio and visual cues in the text might explain differences in inter- pretation among your classmates?”
Extending Understanding of Texts
1.6 extend understanding of both simple and com- plex oral texts by making connections between the ideas in them and personal knowledge, experience, and insights; other texts; and the world around them (e.g., listen to a classmate’s presentation about a co-op placement and then share their own co-op experience; respond in role as a character from an oral text while being interviewed by another student; compare and contrast their own and their classmates’ reactions to a celebrity interview on a television talk show)
Teacher prompt: “What aspects of this presen- tation will help you to prepare for your own? What specific techniques from this presenta- tion will you use in your own?”
Analysing Texts
1.7 analyse both simple and complex oral texts, focusing on the ways in which they communi- cate information, ideas, issues, and themes and influence the listener’s/viewer’s response (e.g., examine and compare the strategies that candi- dates running for school council use in their speeches to promote themselves; examine the techniques used in radio infomercials to entertain and inform7)
Teacher prompts: “What did the candidate say to convert her critics? How did she say it? What gestures did she use while speaking? How did these gestures support and advance her message?” “How might the gesture be adjusted to deliver a different message?”
Critical Literacy
1.8 identify the perspectives and/or biases evident in both simple and complex oral texts and comment on any questions they may raise about beliefs, values, identity, and power (e.g., compare the use of stereotypes in two comedy routines; compare recordings of the same song by a male and a female artist)
Teacher prompts: “How do these comedians use stereotypes to appeal to their target audi- ence? How would the routines have to change to present fairer and more equitable gender representations?” “How does meaning change with the gender of the singer?“
Understanding Presentation Strategies
1.9 explain how several different presentation strategies are used in oral texts to inform, persuade, or entertain (e.g., listen to the open- ing music of several different news programs
to identify and compare the ways in which they appeal to a specific audience; critique a mock job interview to identify effective and ineffective verbal and non-verbal language)
Teacher prompt: “What does each theme song convey about the contents of the news program that follows? What differences can you note between the two theme songs in terms of pace, repetition, and the use of sound effects?”
2. Speaking to Communicate
By the end of this course, students will:
2.1 communicate orally for several different pur- poses, using language appropriate for the intended audience (e.g., participate in a small- group discussion in order to reach a consensus;8 explain evacuation procedures to a new student; participate in a choral reading performed for another class; give specific and relevant exam- ples from a recent field trip to inform fellow stu- dents who were absent; support and defend per- sonal opinions in a class debate;9 present an oral report summarizing the main ideas from a jig- saw activity10)
Teacher prompts: “How might your recount- ing of a funny story be different when told to an audience of adults rather than an audi- ence of your peers?” “How can you plan your presentation to make sure all of your audience members feel included and under- stand your key points when you are talking?”
Interpersonal Speaking Strategies
2.2 demonstrate an understanding of several dif- ferent interpersonal speaking strategies and adapt them to suit the purpose, situation, and audience, exhibiting sensitivity to cultural differences (e.g., use direct, strong, yet polite language and tone when registering a complaint with customer service about a faulty product;11 acknowledge others’ ideas before challenging their
   7. TL Media 7-10 “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Media Messages” 28
8. TLCC 7-12 “Group Roles” 158 9. TLCC 7-12 “Effective Presentation Skills” 196 10. TLCC 7-12 “Jigsaw” 170 11. TLCC 7-12 “Discussion Etiquette” 176

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