Page 45 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 45

 Grade 11, University Preparation
 3. Reflecting on Skills and Strategies
their opinions openly?” “What cues signal that your audience may be losing interest? What strategies can you use to regain their interest?”
Clarity and Coherence
2.3 communicate in a clear, coherent manner, using a structure and style effective for the purpose, subject matter, and intended audience (e.g., select and use relevant and significant information from research to strengthen arguments;9 rehearse a speech to refine the order of arguments and the transitions between them; use a variety of tech- niques to respond to audience needs)
Teacher prompts: “How can you incorporate a variety of examples to make your oral argu- ments more effective?” “How can you choose transitions between points that will keep your audience interested in your group oral presentation?”
Diction and Devices
2.4 use appropriate words, phrases, and terminolo- gy, and a variety of stylistic devices, to effec- tively communicate their meaning and engage their intended audience (e.g., use metaphors and analogies to enhance meaning in a speech; use rhetorical questions to engage the audience and to spark small- or large-group discussions;10 use standard Canadian English appropriately in a mock interview with the author of a novel)
Teacher prompts: “Why is this metaphor suit- able in this context?” “How could you change your diction to evoke the character in the role play more effectively?”
Vocal Strategies
2.5 identify a variety of vocal strategies, including tone, pace, pitch, and volume, and use them effectively and with sensitivity to audience needs and cultural differences (e.g., incorporate deliberate pauses to enhance the impact of the message;11 increase volume to emphasize impor- tant facts in a speech; enunciate technical lan- guage to ensure that the audience understands)
Teacher prompts: “How do you use context clues [audience, subject matter, intention] to deter- mine the appropriate volume for speaking?” “How could you use deliberate silences to
communicate meaning in an oral presentation?” “What strategies would you use when address- ing newcomers to Canada or those who may be hard of hearing?”
Non-Verbal Cues
2.6 identify a variety of non-verbal cues, including facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact, and use them effectively to help convey their meaning and with sensitivity to audience needs and cultural differences (e.g., use culturally acceptable body language, physical proximity, and gestures when addressing a culturally diverse audience; track a television news anchor’s use of non-verbal cues to determine their effectiveness and applicability; rehearse conveying impartiality through facial expres- sions when presented with controversial or sur- prising information12)
Teacher prompt: “What background knowledge, context clues, and non-verbal cues enable you to determine what types of non-verbal communication are appropriate?“
Audio-Visual Aids
2.7 use a variety of audio-visual aids effectively to support and enhance oral presentations and to engage an audience (e.g., create a presentation, using presentation software, to highlight the key points of a seminar; create a summary brochure as a handout to accompany an oral presentation on a Romantic poet)
Teacher prompt: “What can a presenter do to ensure that audio-visual material is a support rather than a distraction?”
By the end of this course, students will:
3.1 explain which of a variety of strategies they found most helpful before, during, and after lis- tening and speaking, then evaluate their strengths and weaknesses in oral communication to help identify the steps they can take to improve their skills (e.g., explain how audience response to their presentation influenced their delivery; explain how they adjust their participation strategies in culturally diverse groups; create a long-term strategy for raising their current oral communication knowledge and skills to the level needed for their choice of occupations or postsec- ondary programs)
Teacher prompts: “What strategies do you see others using that you could adapt to strengthen your oral presentation skills?” “How does rehearsing a presentation help you respond to questions from the teacher
9. TL Library Research 7-12 “Critically Evaluating Resources” 18
10. TL Library Research 7-12 “Developing Questions” 8 11. TLCC 7-12 “Effective Presentation Skills” 196 12. TLCC 7-12 “Effective Presentation Skills” 196

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