Page 204 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 204

By the end of this course, students will:
1. Reflecting on Learning
By the end of this course, students will:
Reflecting on Personal Strengths and Areas for Improvement
1.1 identify their strengths and areas for improvement in understanding, analysing, and producing business and technological communications (e.g., complete a self- assessment checklist on their work at appropriate times during the course)
Teacher prompts: “What strategies do you find most helpful for understanding challenging documents?” “What would you choose as an example of your best work? Why?” “What specific writing skills would you like to improve?” “What communication skills do you have that would be effective in areas such as reception, sales, planning meetings, writing, or management?”
Explaining Creative Choices
1.2 explain and justify the creative choices they have made to enhance the effectiveness of their business and technological communica- tions (e.g., explain their rationale for the layout of a web page they have produced)
Teacher prompts: “What elements did you include to tailor your presentation to the spe- cific interests of your target audience?” “Did the oral presentation techniques you used help hold the audience’s attention? Would you use them again? Why, or why not?” “In your opinion, how do the graphics you have chosen enhance the look and effectiveness
of your report?”
Commenting on the Work of Peers
1.3 comment constructively on the work of peers, identifying and praising effective aspects and noting possible areas for improvement (e.g., explain how a peer’s work meets specific criteria of good design and/or clear communication; share positive comments orally with partners or in a small group; ask questions to help pinpoint possible discrepancies or confusing wording in
a peer-produced draft)
Teacher prompts: “Be sure to comment first on what your partner has done well.” “Did you think your partner’s presentation could have been clearer? Why, or why not?”
 1. Reflecting on Learning: identify and comment on their own and others’ strengths and areas for improvement in analysing and producing business and technological communications.
Business and Technological

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