Page 202 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 202

By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
Purpose and Audience
1.1 explain how the identified purpose and audience influence their choices of content, organization, and style for the business and technological communications they produce (e.g., a brochure to inform retailers about a com- pany’s products emphasizes the market appeal of the products; a memo to a manager summa- rizing consumer reports about a recommended purchase groups information under the headings “costs”and“benefits”; a list of frequently asked questions [FAQs] to prepare customer-relations trainees for the types of issues they may have to deal with incorporates case studies to help trainees understand different perspectives on the issues; a memo to meet the needs of different audiences – such as a manager, a technician, or the general public – adapts or explains technical language as appropriate to the level of expertise of the intended audience)
Teacher prompts: “What will the audience need to know?” “What will the audience be expecting from the sales pitch?”
Text Features
1.2 use text features appropriate to the form and purpose to enhance the effectiveness of the business and technological communications they produce (e.g., present information from text or a spreadsheet in chart or graph form; use colour to highlight main points in posted instructions; use sidebars to add visual interest and set off complementary or background information)
Teacher prompts: “How can you make the report more visually interesting?” “How can you highlight important information effectively?”
Oral Presentation Techniques
1.3 use oral presentation techniques appropriate to the form, purpose, and audience to enhance the effectiveness of the oral business and tech- nological communications they produce (e.g., demonstrate awareness of appropriate dress and posture and use appropriate gestures, eye contact, and tone of voice in a mock interview; respond calmly and politely in the role of a company representative at a mock press conference about an environmental issue; smoothly coordinate speech, gestures, and the physical mechanics of technology when using projected images during a presentation; leave clear, straightforward, and succinct voice-mail messages)
Teacher prompt: “Should you rehearse your presentation ahead of time to identify and avoid potential problems?”
Audio-Visual Aids
1.4 use a variety of appropriate audio-visual aids to enhance the effectiveness of the business and technological communications they produce (e.g., use sound clips, animation, illustrations, and charts to enliven a slide presentation)
Teacher prompt: “Do your audio-visual aids help to focus attention on your core message, or might they become a distraction?”
 1. Producing Business and Technological Communications: produce a variety of business and technological communications for different audiences and purposes, using appropriate forms and presentation features and techniques.
 1. Producing Business and Technological Communications
Business and Technological

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