Page 139 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 139

 Grade 12, Workplace Preparation
 4. Reflecting on Skills and Strategies
3.3 use punctuation correctly and appropriately to communicate their intended meaning (e.g., use semicolons instead of coordinating conjunctions or transitional words to join two sentences with closely related content, before certain transitional words such as however, and to separate items in lists where the items already contain commas; use parentheses or dashes to set off supplemen- tary material such as examples and definitions; use ellipses to indicate the omission of words or phrases from quotations)
Teacher prompt: “What other form of punctu- ation could you use to include this definition in your sentence?”
3.4 use grammar conventions correctly and appro- priately to communicate their intended meaning clearly and fluently (e.g., use a variety of sentence types correctly in their writing; use verb tenses correctly in their writing; use unconventional grammar for effect12)
Teacher prompt: “When is it appropriate to use a slang expression? When is it not appropriate?”
3.5 proofread and correct their writing, using guidelines developed with the teacher and peers (e.g., review drafts using an editing check- list specific to the writing task; ask their peers to proofread their work, and use the feedback to make corrections13); read their sentences aloud)
Teacher prompt: “Have you reviewed, checked, and corrected the spelling and punctuation errors your partner pointed out?”
3.6 use a variety of presentation features, including print and script, fonts, graphics, and layout,
to improve the clarity and coherence of their written work and to heighten its appeal for their audience (e.g., select the most appropriate fonts, graphics, and layout to create polished and professional-looking reports;14 use clear fonts and graphics that are appropriate to their topic to create an effective presentation using presen- tation software)
Teacher prompts: “What font will give your report a businesslike appearance?” “What are the advantages of varying the font size in a brochure?”
Producing Finished Works
3.7 produce pieces of published work to meet criteria identified by the teacher, based on the curriculum expectations (e.g., adequate development of information and ideas, logical organization, appropriate use of form and style, appropriate use of conventions)
Teacher prompt: “What important points have you learned about creating a good news story? What criteria should you include on a checklist for news stories that you could review before submitting your finished work?”
By the end of this course, students will:
describe a variety of strategies they used before, during, and after writing; explain which ones they found most helpful; and
identify appropriate steps they can take to improve as writers (e.g., describe how using a graphic organizer to organize their ideas improved their ability to write reports; describe how asking peers to review their drafts helped them improve their writing; compare their pres- ent writing skills with those required in work- place situations, and set specific goals for improvement)
Teacher prompts: “What strategies did you use to organize the research for your report, and how effective were they?” “What did you learn from your writing partner’s comments on your work?” “What specific aspects of your writing do you think you need to improve to help you do well in your chosen career?”
Interconnected Skills
4.2 identify a variety of skills they have in listen- ing, speaking, reading, viewing, and repre- senting, and explain how these skills help them write more effectively (e.g., describe how being an observant viewer when watching television and an attentive listener when interacting with friends helps them find ideas for their writing)
Teacher prompts: “How can carefully observing the actions of characters in a film or television series help you better depict the motivation of the characters in your own narratives?” “How has listening to your friends talk about their lives, interests, and concerns given you ideas to use in your writing?”
12. TLE 10-12 “Modelled Writing” 51 13. TLCC 7-12 “Peer Editing” 132 14.TLCC 7-12 “Writing a Report” 144-147

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