Page 138 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 138

 Teacher prompts: “Are you using formal or informal language in this cartoon strip?” “What would be the effect on your audience if you used a different level of language for this poem?” “What specific words and terms have you used in your report to sound businesslike?”
Sentence Craft and Fluency
2.4 write complete sentences that communicate their meaning clearly and accurately, varying sentence type, structure, and length to suit different purposes and making smooth and logical transitions between ideas (e.g., break a long, confusing sentence into two shorter, more effective sentences; use transitional phrases to show the relationship between ideas in two or more sentences or paragraphs7)
Teacher prompt: “What transitional words or phrases could you use in your paragraph to link ideas so that the reader could more easi- ly follow your ideas?”
Critical Literacy
2.5 explain how their own beliefs, values, and experiences are revealed in their writing (e.g., examine their writing to check for bias and to determine whether their language and ideas are inclusive and non-discriminatory; draft lyrics for a song expressing their views on a social issue; write an opinion piece about a local political decision for a newspaper of their choice)
Teacher prompts: “Does your narrative reflect your own values, or attitudes prevalent in popular culture?” “Are you trying to challenge your audience with the ideas expressed in your poem? How are you doing that?” “How are your own beliefs and values evident in this opinion piece?” “Have you avoided abusive or violent language?”
2.6 revise drafts to improve the content, organiza- tion, clarity, and style of their written work, using a variety of teacher-modelled strategies (e.g., add transitional words and phrases to link sentences and/or paragraphs to improve the flow of their writing; examine their writing to determine if they have used stereotypes, and remove them; add or substitute words, phrases, and expressions that will make their writing more vivid8)
Teacher prompts: “Have you used the appro- priate level of language for your subject and audience?” “Have you examined your writing
for stereotypes?” “Have you provided enough detail to give your reader a full picture?”
Producing Drafts
2.7 produce revised drafts of texts, including increasingly complex texts, written to meet criteria identified by the teacher, based on
the curriculum expectations (e.g., adequate development of information and ideas, logical organization, appropriate use of form and style, appropriate use of conventions)
Teacher prompt: “How well does your résumé represent your accomplishments to this par- ticular employer?”
3. Applying Knowledge of Conventions
By the end of this course, students will:
3.1 use knowledge of spelling rules and patterns, a variety of resources, and appropriate strat- egies to recognize and correct their own and others’ spelling errors (e.g., use their knowledge of spelling patterns and words learned from teacher- and self-selected texts to help them spell words correctly; check their spellings in available print and electronic resources; apply their knowledge of root words, prefixes, and suffixes to spell technical words correctly9)
Teacher prompt: “What is the root of that technical word you are using? What other strategies and resources can you use to ensure that you are spelling the word correctly?”
3.2 build vocabulary for writing by confirming word meaning(s) and reviewing and refining word choice, using a variety of resources and strategies, as appropriate for the purpose (e.g., refer to classroom word walls;10 confirm
or adjust meaning by relating words to their context; consult a variety of print and online resources that are appropriate to their purpose, including glossaries, word banks, and technical dictionaries, to confirm meanings of words; maintain lists of technical words encountered in trade or professional publications, and deter- mine how these words are formed from root words, prefixes, and suffixes11)
Teacher prompt: “What resources could you use to avoid using the same word so often?”
   7. TLE 10-12 “Revising and Editing: The Verb ‘To Be’” 56 8. TLCC 7-12 “Revising and Editing: Asking Questions to Revise Writing” 128 9. TLE 7-9 “Sample Roots and Prefixes” 54 10. TLCC 7-12 “Creating a Word Wall” 30 11. TLE 7-9 “Sample Roots and Prefixes” 54

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