Page 123 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 123

 Grade 12, College Preparation
Interconnected Skills
4.2 identify a variety of skills they have in listen- ing, speaking, reading, viewing, and repre- senting, and explain how these skills help them write more effectively (e.g., explain how specific texts they have read have influenced their writing)
Teacher prompt: “How has reading a variety of research reports that contain features such as lists, tables, charts, diagrams, and sidebars helped you in writing your own informa- tional texts and in making the information clearer to readers?”
4.3 select a variety of types of writing that they think most clearly reflect their growth and competence as writers, and explain the reasons for their choice (e.g., select finished pieces of their writing for a portfolio of their best work, and explain why they have chosen these pieces; select finished pieces of their writing to present to a college admissions board, and explain why the pieces are good examples of their ability to write at a college level)
Teacher prompt: “Which pieces of your writ- ing would best demonstrate to a college admissions board your writing skills, your maturity, and your potential for success as a college student? Explain why.”

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