Page 114 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 114

 Teacher prompt: “How does the speaker use the audio-visual material to encourage audi- ence interaction? How successful is she? What could she do to be more effective?”
3. Reflecting on Skills and Strategies
By the end of this course, students will:
3.1 explain which of a variety of strategies they found most helpful before, during, and after listening and speaking, then evaluate their strengths and weaknesses in oral communica- tion to help identify the steps they can take to improve their skills (e.g., explain how they intend to develop a self-chosen listening strategy for use in small-group discussions; describe the changes they have noticed in their ability to listen to and understand the ideas and opinions of others over the course of the school year, and identify the strategies that have made the biggest difference)
Teacher prompts: “What listening strategies help you to contribute effectively in a group discussion?” “What speaking skills have you developed this year and how did you make this progress? What aspects of your speaking ability do you still want to improve? What are the next steps to help you do so?” “How did the mock job interview you did in class help when you went for the real interview? What aspects of the real interview still gave you difficulty? How can you prepare for those next time?”
Interconnected Skills
3.2 identify a variety of their skills in viewing, representing, reading, and writing and explain how the skills help them improve their oral communication skills (e.g., use a graphic organ- izer to identify the commonalities among their viewing, representing, reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills; explain how they can improve their use of a selected reading strategy through oral communication; research the oral communication skills required for their career goal and make an action plan that addresses its identified needs)
Teacher prompts: “When you watch a news anchor on television, how can you use your viewing skills to improve your own speaking skills?” “How does your participation in a reading group develop your listening and speaking skills?”

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