Page 113 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 113

 Grade 12, College Preparation
Teacher prompts: “How would you prepare for an interview seeking admission to a spe- cial program in college?” “How would you adapt your language to make a presentation to a younger class about the job interview process?”
Interpersonal Speaking Strategies
2.2 demonstrate an understanding of a variety of interpersonal speaking strategies and adapt them to suit the purpose, situation, and audi- ence, exhibiting sensitivity to cultural differ- ences (e.g., respond appropriately to constructive criticism;10 re-explain parts of a presentation on how to apply for OSAP after the audience responds with confusion; assess the background knowledge and needs of the audience before speaking; invite silent group members to con- tribute to a discussion11)
Teacher prompt: ”How do you check for understanding among your audience when you are speaking? How can you respond to the needs of individual listeners without ignoring the needs of the larger group?”
Clarity and Coherence
2.3 communicate in a clear, coherent manner, using a structure and style effective for the purpose, subject matter, and intended audi- ence (e.g., role-play taking a college entrance interview that includes an oral presentation of a portfolio; develop a logical sequence of interview questions to be used by a small-business owner looking for new employees or by a journalist preparing to write an article; restate the main facts from a non-chronological literary text in the correct sequence)
Teacher prompts: “How can you present your own material in a sincere and positive man- ner?” “As an employer, how would you organize your interview questions for prospective employees?”
Diction and Devices
2.4 use appropriate words, phrases, and terminolo- gy, and a variety of stylistic devices, to effec- tively communicate their meaning and engage their intended audience (e.g., adapt persuasive language to convince two different groups, such as
seniors and teenagers, to buy the same product;12 use technical language in a mock job interview; use standard Canadian English to participate in a panel discussion on gender or racial stereotyp- ing in music videos)
Teacher prompts: “How can you revise or adapt your speech to incorporate more persuasive language? What stylistic devices could you use to appeal to each audience?” “What types of words, terms, or expressions would be inappropriate in a job interview? How does this change with different types of jobs?”
Vocal Strategies
2.5 identify a variety of vocal strategies, including tone, pace, pitch, and volume, and use them effectively and with sensitivity to audience needs and cultural differences (e.g., imperson- ate the voice of a character from pop culture for an advertisement for the school; vary pitch dur- ing a formal presentation to engage and main- tain the audience’s interest13)
Teacher prompt: “What vocal strategies do your favourite DJs or VJs use? What makes these strategies effective? Which ones could you use to strengthen your own oral presen- tation skills?”
Non-Verbal Cues
2.6 identify a variety of non-verbal cues, including facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact, and use them effectively to help convey their meaning and with sensitivity to audience needs and cultural differences (e.g., choose cul- turally appropriate non-verbal cues when addressing various audiences; use a variety of non-verbal cues to enhance a dramatic reading; use modelled non-verbal cues to express agree- ment or disagreement with presented material)
Teacher prompts: “What non-verbal cues have you employed to engage your audience? How do these change when your audience changes?” “What non-verbal cues have you noticed others using that strengthen or weak- en their communication skills?” “What non- verbal cues from cultures other than your own have you learned?”
Audio-Visual Aids
2.7 use a variety of audio-visual aids effectively to support and enhance oral presentations and to engage an audience (e.g., prepare a computer presentation to launch a public awareness cam- paign; use carefully chosen photographs to illus- trate the beginning, middle, and end of an oral story during a storytelling presentation; use video clips to show different perspectives on a contemporary issue)
10. TL Library Research 7-12 “Peer to Peer Consultation” 28 11. TLCC 7-12 “Discussion Etiquette” 176 12. TL Media 7-10 “Reading Between the Lines” 10 13. TLCC 7-12 “Effective Presentation Skills” 196

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