Page 116 - Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: Course Descriptions and Prerequisites, 2018
P. 116

Course Descriptions for Social Sciences and Humanities
Equity Studies
Gender Studies, Grade 11, University/College (HSG3M)
This course enables students to explore the social construction of gender. Students will learn about the dynamic nature of gender roles and norms; sexism and power relations; and the impact of representations of women and men in the media, popular culture, and the arts. Students will analyse a range of gender equity issues, including gender-based violence and workplace equity, in both Canadian and global contexts. Students will develop and apply research skills and will design and implement a social action initiative relating to gender equity.
Prerequisite: None
Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice, Grade 11, Workplace (HSE3E)
This course enables students to develop an understanding of historical and contemporary issues relating to equity, diversity, and social justice in a variety of contexts. Students will explore the nature of diversity and power relations in Canada and how social norms shape individual identity. They will learn about social activism and how to address situations that involve discrimination, harassment, and denial of rights. Students will develop and apply research skills and will design and implement a social action initiative relating to an equity, diversity, or social justice issue.
Prerequisite: None
Equity and Social Justice: From Theory to Practice, (HSE4M)
Grade 12, University/College
This course enables students to develop an understanding of the theoretical, social, and historical underpinnings of various equity and social justice issues and to analyse strategies for bringing about positive social change. Students will learn about historical and contemporary equity and social justice issues in Canada and globally. They will explore power relations and the impact of a variety of factors on equity and social justice. Students will develop and apply research skills and will design and implement a social action initiative relating to an equity or social justice issue.
Prerequisite: Any university, college, or university/college preparation course in social sciences and humanities, English, or Canadian and world studies
World Cultures, Grade 12, University/College (HSC4M)
This course examines the nature of culture; how cultural identities are acquired, maintained, and transformed; and theories used to analyse cultures. Students will explore world cultures, with an emphasis on the analysis of religious and spiritual beliefs, art forms, and philosophy. They will study the contributions and influence of a range of cultural groups and will critically analyse issues facing ethnocultural groups within Canada and around the world. Students will

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