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THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Cooperative Education
Further information regarding the development and implementation of OYAP and related apprenticeship opportunities is available in the following sources:
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP): Program Guidelines
Dual Credit Programs: Policy and Program Requirements
Ontario College of Trades – Training Standards
In addition to meeting the administrative requirements specific to OYAP, schools must ensure that all policy requirements related to the planning and implementation of cooperative education, as outlined in this document, are met.
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) programs are specialized, pathways-focused programs approved by the Ministry of Education that allow students to acquire technical knowledge and skills in specific economic sectors while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
One of the required components of a Specialist High Skills Major is the successful completion of two cooperative education credits in the sector; however, students may take up to two additional cooperative education credits in their SHSM program. Of the additional two cooperative education credits that are permitted, one may be used as one of the four major credits, and one may be substituted for a credit in the Other Required Credits component, as specified in the requirements for the particular sector. All four cooperative education credits in the bundle must be sector-related.
A student can use either of the cooperative education courses to meet the cooperative education requirement of the SHSM program. The community component (placement) must be within the industry sector related to their SHSM program.
The order of preference for the selection of cooperative education courses for a student taking an SHSM is as follows:
1. Cooperative Education Linked to a Related Course (or Courses), where the related course (or courses) is one of the major credits specific to the student’s SHSM program
2. Cooperative Education Linked to a Related Course (or Courses), where the related course (or courses) is one of the Other Required Credits specific to the student’s SHSM program
3. Creating Opportunities through Co-op (DCO3O)
4. Cooperative Education Linked to a Related Course (or Courses), where the related course is Career Studies (GLC2O) or Civics and Citizenship (CHV2O), provided that this course has been approved as a related course to meet the cooperative education requirement for the SHSM program.
Specialist High Skills Major programs must be developed and implemented in accordance with the requirements outlined in Specialist High Skills Majors: Policy and Implementation Guide (

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