Page 71 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Cooperative Education
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 This section provides information about the development and implementation of specialized cooperative education opportunities.
The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) is a specialized program that enables students to earn credits towards the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) by taking a cooperative education course for which the community component is in an apprenticeship trade.
In order to be eligible for OYAP, students must be sixteen years of age or older, have completed 16 credits towards the OSSD, and be enrolled as a full-time student in a secondary school. Students, and their parents, if required, must also complete an OYAP Participant Application Form. Once that form is completed, students are considered “OYAP participants”.
As an OYAP participant, a student may have the opportunity to become an apprentice, with a registered training agreement, while attending secondary school. As an apprentice, a student may have the opportunity to complete Level 1 apprenticeship training offered by a Training Delivery Agent (TDA) approved by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development (MAESD).
In addition to the information in “Developing and Implementing the Student’s Cooperative Education Learning Plan” on pages 24–26, the Student’s Cooperative Education Learning Plan of an OYAP student includes the relevant skills or skill sets outlined in the on-the-job Apprenticeship Training Standard (ATS) for the specific trade, as identified by the Ontario College of Trades. Students and OYAP placement employers or placement supervisors are required to document a student’s achievement of these skills or skill sets from the apprenticeship training standard in their learning plan.
Students in OYAP must be provided with trade-specific health and safety training by the placement employer or placement supervisor.
In addition to the student record requirements described in the OYAP contract agreement, schools must retain the signed OYAP Participant Form for a period of seven years
and make the signed OYAP Participant Form available to the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development, upon request.

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