Page 70 - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 10 to 12 Computer Studies - Revised (2008)
P. 70

 Grade 12, College Preparation
 d1. analyse and apply strategies that promote environmental stewardship with respect to the use of computers and related technologies;
d2. demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues and practices related to the use of computers;
d3. investigate and report on emerging computer technologies and their potential impact on society
and the economy;
d4. research and report on the range of career paths and lifelong learning opportunities in software development or a computer-related field.
  d1. Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability
d3. Emerging technologies
 d4. computer-related careers
 d2. Ethical Practices
By the end of this course, students will:
 thE ontario curriculum, GradES 10 –12 | Computer Studies
By the end of this course, students will:
d1.1 outline and apply strategies to reduce the impact of computers and related technologies on the environment (e.g., reduce, reuse, and recy- cle; turn computers and monitors off at end of day; participate in printer cartridge recycling) and on human health (e.g., ergonomic standards);
d1.2 investigate and describe governmental and community initiatives promoting environmen- tal stewardship and sustainability (e.g., local community recycling centres, private companies that refurbish computers, printer cartridge recy- cling programs).
By the end of this course, students will:
d2.1 investigate and describe an ethical issue related to the use of computers (e.g., piracy, pri- vacy, security, phishing, spyware, cyberbullying);
d2.2 describe the essential elements of a code
of ethics for computer programmers, and explain why there is a need for such a code (e.g., plagiarism, backdoors, spyware, unethical programming practices);
d2.3 outline and apply strategies to encourage ethical computing practices at home, at school, and at work.
By the end of this course, students will:
d3.1 describe the evolution of some emerging programming languages;
d3.2 investigate and report on innovations in information technology (e.g., webcasting, VoIP, multiplayer online gaming) and their potential impact on society and the economy;
d3.3 describe programming requirements for a variety of emerging technologies (e.g., web pro- gramming, smartphones, embedded systems).
By the end of this course, students will:
d4.1 research and report on the range of career opportunities in software development, includ- ing duties, responsibilities, qualifications, and compensation;
d4.2 research and report on opportunities for lifelong learning in software development or a computer-related field;
d4.3 evaluate their own development of Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport.

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