Page 18 - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 10 to 12 Computer Studies - Revised (2008)
P. 18

50–59% (level 1)
Knowledge and understanding – Subject-specific content acquired in each course (knowledge), and the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding)
60–69% (level 2)
70–79% (level 3)
80–100% (level 4)
               Knowledge of content
(e.g., facts, technical terminology, definitions, procedures, standards)
demonstrates limited knowledge of content
demonstrates some knowledge of content
demonstrates considerable knowl- edge of content
demonstrates thorough knowledge of content
     understanding of content
(e.g., concepts, principles, methodologies, use of tools)
demonstrates limited understand- ing of content
demonstrates some understanding of content
demonstrates considerable under- standing of content
demonstrates thorough under- standing of content
   thinking – The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes
        use of planning skills
(e.g., focusing research, gathering information, selecting strategies, organizing a project)
uses planning skills with limited effectiveness
uses planning skills with some effectiveness
uses planning skills with considerable effectiveness
uses planning skills with a high degree of effectiveness
     use of processing skills
(e.g., analysing, interpreting, assessing, reasoning, evaluating, integrating, synthesizing)
uses processing skills with limited effectiveness
uses processing skills with some effectiveness
uses processing skills with considerable effectiveness
uses processing skills with a high degree of effectiveness
           use of critical/creative thinking processes
(e.g., evaluation of computer solutions, problem solving, decision making, detecting and correcting flaws, research)
uses critical/creative thinking processes with limited effectiveness
uses critical/creative thinking processes with some effectiveness
uses critical/creative thinking processes with considerable effectiveness
uses critical/creative thinking processes with a high degree of effectiveness
   communication – The conveying of meaning through various forms
             Expression and organization of ideas
and information
(e.g., clear expression,
logical organization) in oral, visual, and written forms, including electronic forms (e.g., presentations, charts, graphs, tables, maps, models, web pages, reports)
expresses and organizes ideas and information with lim- ited effectiveness
expresses and organizes ideas and information with some effectiveness
expresses and orga- nizes ideas and infor- mation with consid- erable effectiveness
expresses and orga- nizes ideas and infor- mation with a high degree of effectiveness
       The student:
 The student:
  thE ontario curriculum, GradES 10 –12 | Computer Studies
The student:

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