Page 95 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
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contrast Cormac McCarthy’s The Road and Vergil’s Aeneid; identify ways in which Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and Vergil’s Aeneid influenced Dante’s description of the Inferno in his Divine Comedy)
Teacher prompts: “What aspects of the legal codes of classical societies have influenced the development of contemporary justice systems? Are there any similarities between laws in the classical world and ideas on justice in traditional First Nations, Métis, or Inuit communities before contact with Europeans?” “In what ways are the satiric poems of the Roman poet Martial similar to modern stand-up comedy routines?”
D2.3 Reflecting on Cultural Connections: describe a variety of ways in which their knowledge of the classical world relates to and/or enhances their understanding of other cultures, fields of study, and personal experiences (e.g., explain how knowledge of the classical language enriches their use of the English language and other languages; explain how knowledge of the growth and decline of the Athenian and Roman empires contributes to their understanding of modern economic, military, or social history; describe how knowledge of classical history and art contributes to their understanding and appreciation of museum
or gallery exhibits; use their knowledge of the myth of Pyramus and Thisbe to evaluate the impact of Ovid’s account on Shakespeare’s interpretation in A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
Teacher prompts: “What subjects from Roman history and classical mythology did Jacques- Louis David paint? How did these themes influence his paintings of non-classical subjects? How did he intend these paintings to be understood by his contemporaries?” “What correspondences can you identify between Ovid’s and Shakespeare’s versions of the
myth of Pyramus and Thisbe? How does your knowledge of the myth help you interpret Shakespeare’s play?”
 Classical Languages

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