Page 93 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 93

C2.2 Demonstrating Knowledge of Content: write in English to demonstrate an understand- ing of unadapted texts of varying levels of complexity in the classical language (e.g., write a paraphrase or summary of a text being read in class; write detailed and well-developed answers to comprehension questions about texts being studied; write a report identifying ideas that are implicit but not directly stated in a text being studied and explaining their reasoning)
C2.3 Applying Language Knowledge: correctly apply knowledge of vocabulary, language structures, and conventions of spelling, grammar, and punctuation when writing
in English
C3. Using the Writing Process
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 Generating, Developing, and Organizing Content: generate, develop, focus, and organize ideas for writing in both English and the classical language, using a range of appropriate pre-writing strategies and resources, during modelled, shared, guided, and independent writing activities (e.g., activate prior knowledge about the classical language and culture through peer and group interactions; use rapid writing
to capture ideas about classical culture presented in class; consult a historical map to prepare for writing directions for travel from one ancient Mediterranean city or settlement to another; record ideas by grouping them under headings; prioritize ideas for research using a ranking system; use a point-form outline to organize content)
C3.2 Drafting and Revising: plan, produce, and revise drafts, using a variety of strategies and resources and choosing forms and stylistic elements suited to the purpose and audience (e.g., write a persuasive speech, using a passage from a classical text as a model; review their drafts to ensure that the ideas are presented in a logical order and with clear transitions; annotate their drafts using sticky notes and highlighters to record ideas about revision; create a list of questions to help guide revision; refer to feedback from the teacher and peers to identify sections of their draft that need clarifying details and/or more varied sentence structure and vocabulary)
Teacher prompt: “Have you read your peer editor’s comments carefully? How will you incorporate his or her feedback into your next draft?”
C3.3 Producing Finished Work: produce a polished final product, using a variety of strategies and resources to improve correctness and coherence and to enhance the readability and visual appeal of their work (e.g., verify that vocabulary is appropriate and that spelling and punctuation are correct, using print and electronic resources; review the organization of their text to ensure that it meets the requirements of the form; use design elements such as graphics, fonts, and an appealing layout to highlight key information and enhance the readability of their work; include quotations to support ideas presented, and cite their sources using a consistent and approved citation method; apply a self-assessment method to check their final draft against the criteria for success)
C3.4 Metacognition:
(a) describe a range of strategies they found helpful before, during, and after writing;
(b) identify their areas of greater and lesser strength as writers, and plan steps they can take to improve their writing skills in both the classical language and English (e.g., identify strategies, such as the use of graphic organizers, that help them develop and structure ideas generated during brainstorming; describe the types of revisions to their writing that peer and teacher feedback helped them identify as necessary, and select self- correcting techniques to address those language areas in future drafts; plan to keep a log of pre-writing and writing activities to guide later revisions; plan to apply a strategy for conducting research and to monitor its effectiveness throughout the production of their text)
Teacher prompt: “What aspects of peer feedback did you find helpful for revising the first draft of your research paper?”
 Classical Languages

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