Page 77 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 77

the water and waste-water system had on the lives of Romans with the impact that access to clean water has in modern societies)
Teacher prompts: “What are some of the ways people in ancient Rome were able to identify citizens or wealthy people?” “How did clothing demonstrate status in the ancient world as compared to today?” “In what ways is the ancient philosophy underlying education –
that one becomes educated to live a good life – reflected in modern society?” “In what ways were the diets of wealthy citizens and the poor similar and different, and how would those diets compare to the diet of the average citizen today?”
D2.3 Reflecting on Cultural Connections: describe some ways in which their knowledge of the classical world relates to and/or enhances their understanding of other cultures, fields of study, and personal experiences (e.g., explain how knowledge of the classical language contributes to their understanding of terminology in fields such as medicine or law; explain how their understanding of the modern Olympic movement is enhanced by knowledge of the ideas and practices of the original Olympics)
Teacher prompts: “What elements of the ancient Olympic Games inspired Pierre de Coubertin to revive the Olympics in Athens in 1896?” “How do you follow the motto ‘mens sana in corpore sano’ in your daily life?” “How does your knowledge of Greek mythology help you to understand the names of constellations?”
 Classical Languages

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