Page 75 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 75

read in class; write brief answers to comprehension questions about a text being studied; complete a brief creative writing assignment about an aspect of the ancient world that they are studying or reading about in stories)
Teacher prompt: “What key points about ancient forms of entertainment in this story would you include in a summary of the story?”
C2.3 Applying Language Knowledge: correctly apply knowledge of vocabulary, language structures, and conventions of spelling, grammar, and punctuation when writing
in English
C3. Using the Writing Process
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 Generating, Developing, and Organizing Content: generate, develop, focus, and organize ideas for writing in both English and the classical language, using some pre-writing strategies and resources, during modelled, shared, guided, and independent writing activities (e.g., identify the topic, purpose, and audience for their writing; brainstorm to identify vocabulary related to their writing topic; create a mind map or web diagram to organize their ideas from research)
C3.2 Drafting and Revising: plan, produce, and revise drafts using some strategies and resources and choosing forms and stylistic elements suited to the purpose and audience (e.g., use sentence prompts when writing a description in the classical language; write a summary of an event, using information from two or more sources; use a model to structure a brief dialogue in English or the classical language; review and revise their drafts to improve the logical order of ideas, and add supporting details based on feedback from the teacher and peers)
Teacher prompts: “Which sources did you use to find the different types of information you needed?” “Where can you find illustrations or quotations to support your main ideas?” “Why are these examples important to your topic?”
C3.3 Producing Finished Work: produce a polished final product, using some strategies and resources to improve correctness and coherence and to enhance the readability and visual appeal of their work (e.g., use a teacher- prepared checklist to verify that vocabulary is appropriate and spelling and punctuation are correct; use appropriate font size and type for titles, headings, and text, as well as appropriate line spacing and margins, to improve readability; incorporate diagrams and other graphics to highlight important information)
C3.4 Metacognition:
(a) describe some strategies they found helpful before, during, and after writing;
(b) identify their areas of greater and lesser strength as writers, and plan steps they can take to improve their writing skills in both the classical language and English (e.g., describe the strategy or strategies they found most helpful for organizing information and ideas; reflect on feedback from the teacher to identify the grammar conventions they find most challenging to apply correctly, and plan steps to improve their use of those language structures; identify strategies they plan to use to expand their vocabulary)
Teacher prompts: “Which graphic organizer did you find most helpful in categorizing information about entertainment in the ancient world: a T-chart, a Venn diagram, or a placemat? Why?” “What strategies could you use to identify and correct the errors you make most frequently when writing in the classical language? What strategies would you use to identify and correct your most frequent English errors?”
 Classical Languages

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