Page 212 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 212

    Level 3, University Preparation/Open
  Contemporary social and global issues (e.g., poverty, diversity, people with disabilities, gender roles, indigenous rights, environmental protection, food security)
 Values and beliefs (e.g., elements of traditional belief where the target language is spoken, perspectives on systems, social expectations in countries and regions justice, individual versus community responsibilities)
   Diaspora communities in Canada (e.g., well-known Canadians with roots in a target-language community, settlement patterns, aspects of cultural heritage)
  target language is spoken, historical sites and their History (e.g., national events in countries where the significance)
 Contemporary culture in countries where the target
language is spoken (e.g., elements of cultural tradition
expressed in popular culture, depictions of target- language communities in film, urbanization)
   Literature and drama (e.g., narratives, essays, plays, novels, poems)
  Visual arts, music, dance (e.g., the role of public art in regions where the target language is spoken, the expression of cultural themes in contemporary music)
  Level 2, University Preparation/Open
  Youth culture (e.g., sports and leisure activities, shopping and eating habits)
  Generations in countries and regions where the
target language is spoken (e.g., the role of older
people in society, the status of childhood, multigenerational family life)
   The contributions of prominent target-language speakers (e.g., historical figures, scientists, writers, athletes, politicians, artists, musicians, inventors)
  where the target language is spoken, tourist sights, Travel (e.g., landmarks in countries and regions the natural landscape, climate)
  regional dress, foods associated with particular Traditions and customs (e.g., national and occasions, superstitions)
   Texts from oral and written traditions (e.g., legends, myths, fables, short narratives)
  Visual arts, music, dance (e.g., ceremonial dances in countries and regions where the target language is spoken, works of art depicting specific events or historical figures, music associated with particular festivals or customs)
   Level 1, Academic/Open
 School life (e.g., academic subjects, the typical school day in different countries and regions)
 Family life and relationships (e.g., family members, family customs in different countries and regions, friendship)
   Community (e.g., local events, recycling, volunteering)
 Geography (e.g., countries and regions where the
target language is spoken)
 Holidays and celebrations (e.g., the non-working day
of the week in different regions, seasonal festivals,
conventions for celebrating birthdays)
   Texts from oral and written traditions (e.g., song
lyrics, rhymes, short stories and scripts)
 Visual arts, music, dance (e.g., traditional childhood
songs in countries where the target language is
spoken, folk dances, traditional crafts in regions
where the target language is spoken)
 Appendix B: International Languages
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
Cultural Concepts for Developing Intercultural Understanding (continued)

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