Page 210 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 210

 Appendix B: International Languages
  Level 3, University Preparation/Open
  coming of age ceremonies, graduation, weddings, vision quests, walkabouts, sports rites such as Rites of passage (e.g., the first day of school, black belt grading)
  Professions and careers (e.g., types of career, education required for different professions, the skills related to various occupations)
   Recreation and fitness (e.g., athletic pursuits, types of exercise, extracurricular activities)
 Travel and tourism (e.g., tourist attractions, cultural events and traditions, staying in holiday accommodation, asking for information, bargaining, using the post office)
   regions, agricultural practices, traditional versus Food security (e.g., crops grown in different contemporary diets)
  Fashion (e.g., regional clothing styles, trends in youth fashion, hairstyles, textiles, fashion journalism, fashion advertising)
   drama, such as monologue, stage directions, Drama (e.g., dramatic forms such as tragedy, comedy, opera, musical theatre; elements of lighting)
   Broadcasting (e.g., television news, radio commercials, documentary podcasts)
   Level 2, University Preparation/Open
 Childhood and youth (e.g., children’s games, childhood memories, expressions used in youth cultures of different regions)
The workplace (e.g., expressions used in interviews, office formality used in business conversations, expressions used equipment, dress codes and uniforms, expressions of in job applications and cover letters)
  Sports (e.g., types of sport, teams, statistics, sporting equipment, regional and global competitions)
Countries of the world (e.g., names of cities and regions, cultural artefacts and landmarks, regional holidays and customs)
  Nutrition and cuisine (e.g., types of regional cuisine, cooking methods, the nutritional elements of different types of food)
 Retail goods and services (e.g., types of retail outlet, online shopping, expressions related to customer service, product descriptions and packaging)
 Dance (e.g., types of dance associated with different cultures; elements of dance, such as choreography, movement, space)
 Media and entertainment (e.g., types of video game, expressions used in social networking, television
programs, movies, books, plays, concerts)
  Level 1, Academic/Open
  Family and relationships (e.g., family customs and celebrations, pets, friends, siblings, neighbours, household chores)
  School life (e.g., academic subjects, school
supplies, classroom furniture, field trips, school rules, expressions used in classroom interactions)
   Leisure (e.g., likes and dislikes, hobbies, vacations, ways to spend the weekend)
 train and bus schedules, airport announcements, Transportation (e.g., forms of transportation,
traffic signs)
   Food (e.g., meals, ingredients in a recipe, dishes
on a menu, ordering in a restaurant)
  Clothing (e.g., articles of clothing, seasonally
specific garments, accessories)
   Music (e.g., types of music associated with
different cultures; elements of music, such as
rhythm, tempo, beat)
   Technology (e.g., types of electronics;
technology use in schools; elements of digital
technologies, such as navigation system,
interface, memory)
  THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
Topics for Developing Vocabulary (continued)

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