Page 128 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 128

  A1. Listening to Understand: determine meaning in a variety of oral texts in the target language, using a range of listening strategies;
A2. Listening to Interact: interpret messages accurately while interacting in the target language for a variety of purposes and with diverse audiences;
A3. Intercultural Understanding: demonstrate an understanding of information in oral texts in the target language about aspects of culture in diverse communities where the target language is spoken and other communities around the world, and of sociolinguistic conventions in the target language used in a variety of situations and communities.
Level 1, Open
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
A1. Listening to Understand
By the end of this course, students will:
A1.1 Using Listening Comprehension Strategies: identify a range of listening comprehension strategies and use them before, during, and after listening to understand basic oral texts in the target language (e.g., brainstorm about the topic before a listening task to make connections to prior knowledge and personal experiences; preview a vocabulary list to predict the topic of an announcement; use visual and non-verbal auditory cues, such as the speaker’s body language and tone of voice, to aid compre- hension; sketch while listening to help them recall the information later; listen to a text multiple times to monitor and clarify comprehension; ask for clarification after listening to a text)
Teacher prompts: “Judging by this vocabulary list, what do you think the announcement will be about?” “Watch and listen to the speaker carefully. What visual and non-verbal auditory cues help you understand the message?”
A1.2 Demonstrating Understanding: demon- strate an understanding of the purpose and meaning of oral texts in the target language that contain information about matters of personal interest and familiar topics, with contextual and visual support (e.g., produce a drawing based on an oral description of familiar objects; identify the message of a recorded announcement or audio
webcast; identify vocabulary related to cuisine while viewing a target-language cooking show; identify vocabulary related to time, days, months, and numbers in a peer’s presentation about a vacation, and classify it using a graphic organizer; identify familiar words and expressions in a popular target-language song; create a collage
to illustrate the message of a radio commercial; summarize key information in a peer’s oral presentation about a hobby, using words, pictures, or actions; classify food items by type and/or price after listening to a description)
Teacher prompts: “What elements of the objects were included in the description? Make sure you include them in your drawing.” “What images or symbols might you use in your collage to explain the message you heard?”
A2. Listening to Interact
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 Using Interactive Listening Strategies: identify and use a range of interactive listening strategies to suit a variety of situations while participating in structured interactions in the target language (e.g., use and respond to visual cues such as nodding and head shaking; lean forward during an interaction to signal interest; observe
a peer’s body language to help them interpret his or her intended message; ask their partner in an interaction to repeat his or her statement; use
By the end of this course, students will:

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