Page 74 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 74

 Formulate Questions
Students formulate questions:
− to explore various issues, developments, concepts, models, policies, and/or decisions that are related to
the overall expectations in order to identify the focus of their inquiry
− to help them determine which key concept (or concepts) of economic thinking is relevant to their
− that reflect the selected concept(s) of economic thinking
− to develop criteria that they will use in evaluating data, evidence, and/or information; in making
judgements, decisions, or predictions; in reaching conclusions; and/or in solving problems
− to determine which economic model it would be appropriate to apply
 Gather and Organize
− collect relevant qualitative and quantitative data, evidence, and/or information from a variety of primary
and secondary sources,a including community resourcesb
− determine if their sources are credible, accurate, and reliable
− identify the purpose and intent of each source
− identify the points of view in the sources they have gathered
− use a variety of methods to organize the data, evidence, and/or information they have gathered
− record the sources of the data, evidence, and/or information they are using
− decide whether they have collected enough data, evidence, and/or information for their inquiry
The Economic Inquiry Process
In each economics course in the Canadian and world studies curriculum, strand A focuses explicitly on the economic inquiry process, guiding students in their investigation of economic issues, trends, concepts, models, policies, decisions, and outcomes. This process is not intended to be applied in a linear manner: students will use the applicable components of the process in the order most appropriate for them and for the task at hand. Although strand A covers all of the components of the inquiry process, it is important to note that students apply skills associated with the inquiry process throughout
the content strands in each course. (See page 32 for a fuller discussion of the inquiry process in the Canadian and world studies program.)
The following chart identifies ways in which students may approach each of the components of the economic inquiry process.
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
a. Primary sources may include, but are not limited to, statistical data, government budgets, financial statements, interviews, and treatises by classic economic theorists. Secondary sources may include, but are not limited to, financial/ business reports, books and articles based on primary sources, reference books, news articles and editorials, political cartoons, and documentaries and other films. Depending on the context, digital sources, including social media and websites, can be either primary or secondary sources.
b. Community resources may include, but are not limited to, a range of resources from community groups and associations, government offices, businesses, and non-governmental organizations.

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