Page 73 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 73

 Stability and Variability
This concept requires students to determine how and why economic activity and/or well-being changes or stays the same over time . Students analyse various economic indicators related to employment, trade, markets, economic inequality, and/or government intervention in the economy to identify changes in different communities, regions, and countries over time . They also investigate various factors that contribute to economic change and/or help ensure stability .
Related Questions
− What is the role of taxation in the Canadian economy? (CIE3M, Overview)
− Where would you position the present Canadian economy on the business cycle? What are the
implications of its position? (CIE3M, B2 .3)
− What are the implications of what “counts” and does not “count” in economic indicators? (CIA4U, D1 .4)
− What is the purpose of allowing individuals to deduct RRSP contributions when they file their income
tax returns? How might this program contribute to individual and/or governmental financial stability? (CIC4E, B3 .1)
 Economic Perspective
This concept requires students to analyse the beliefs, values, interests, and influence that underpin economic policies, decisions, issues, and/or practices . Students learn that, in economics, people may have diverse perspectives on the same policy or decision, and that economic policies and decisions may benefit some groups while disadvantaging others . Students also learn that economic development may have social, cultural, and environmental, as well as direct economic, effects . Students also come to understand that their own economic perspective affects their personal economic/financial decisions .
Related Questions
− What are your financial goals in the next five years? Ten years? Twenty years? In what ways do your goals differ from the short- and long-term goals of your parents and/or grandparents? (CIE3M, B4 .1)
− Should Canada sell resources such as asbestos or depleted uranium to countries that could use them in an unethical manner? (CIE3M, E3 .3)
− What are some ways in which economic trade-offs might differ for the average person in developing and developed countries? (CIA4U, C2 .1)
− Why might different stakeholders have different perspectives on economic issues that affect the environment? (CIC4E, Overview)

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