Page 559 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 559

carbon offset. A way in which an emitter of greenhouse gases can prevent its emissions from increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations by paying someone else to reduce, avoid, or absorb an equal quantity of emissions.
cardinal directions. The four major points of the compass – N, S, E, and W. Cardinal directions can be subdivided into intermediate directions – NE, SE, NW, SW. Cardinal and intermediate directions are elements of mapping.
census metropolitan area (CMA). A statistical area classification, a CMA consists of one or more neighbouring municipalities situated around a major urban core. A CMA must have
a total population of at least 100,000, of which 50,000 or more live in the urban core. As of 2011, there were 33 CMAs in Canada, which range in size from Toronto (the largest) to Peterborough (the smallest).
chief. One of many types of leaders, informal and formal, in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit societies, governments, and traditional govern- ance structures, past and present. Currently, under the Indian Act, there is an imposed governing system on reserves requiring each band to elect a chief and up to 12 councillors for a term of two years. See also Indian Act.
Chinese Immigration Act (1885). An act that,
in an effort to limit Chinese immigration, placed a head tax of $50 on all Chinese immigrants entering Canada. The tax was raised to $100
in 1900 and $500 in 1903.
choropleth map. A map in which graded colours are used to illustrate the average values for or quantities of something (e.g., population density, quality of life indicators, fresh water resources) in specific areas. See also map.
citizen. An inhabitant of a city, town, or country; also, a person who is legally entitled to exercise the rights and freedoms of the country in which he or she lives.
citizenship. An understanding of the rights
of citizens within various communities (local, national, and global), and of the roles, respon- sibilities, and actions associated with these rights.
civics. A branch of politics that focuses on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. See also citizenship.
climate. The average weather conditions of an area over an extended period of time. See also weather.
climate change. A significant change in the average state of Earth’s climate that persists
for several decades or more. It can be caused either by natural factors or by human activities that alter the composition of the atmosphere or change major characteristics of the land surface, as when forests are replaced by farmland. Climate change can affect a number of weather charac- teristics, such as temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns, as well as the occurrence of severe weather.
climate graph. A graph that combines average monthly temperature (presented as a line graph) and precipitation data (presented as a bar graph) for a particular place.
clustered settlement pattern. A closely spaced grouping of houses, towns, or villages.
colonization. A practice of domination that involves the political, economic, and/or cultural subjugation of one people by another.
command economy. An economic system in which the government owns and controls all facets of the economy. See also economic system.
commodity. A good or service purchased or used by consumers.
common good. The well-being of all or most of the people in a community or society as well as of components of the natural environment. Factors such as peace, justice, economic fairness, and respect for human rights and the environ- ment contribute to the common good.

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