Page 557 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 557

The definitions provided in this glossary are specific to the curriculum context in which the terms are used.
Note: The definitions of terms marked with an asterisk (*) are reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2012. Courtesy of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
abolitionism. The movement to end slavery.
absolute location. The location of a point on Earth’s surface that can be expressed by a grid reference (e.g., by latitude and longitude).
Acadians. Early French settlers in Acadia, which comprised today’s Maritime provinces and parts of eastern Quebec, or descendants of these settlers, especially ones living in the Maritimes
or in Louisiana (Cajuns).
acid precipitation. Any form of precipitation, including rain, fog, and snow, that is more acidic than normal. Acid precipitation is determined by its pH level; the lower the pH, the more acidic and damaging it is.
Act of Union. British legislation, which took effect in 1841, uniting Upper Canada and Lower Canada to create the colony of the Province of Canada. The province comprised Canada West (now southern Ontario) and Canada East (now southern Quebec).
advocacy group. See stakeholder.
aggregate. A coarse material that includes gravel, crushed stone, and sand. The major component in concrete and asphalt, it is generally used in construction and is the most heavily mined material in the world.
alternative energy source. An alternative to such conventional energy sources as fossil fuels and nuclear power. Common alternative energy sources include solar, wind, hydrogen, fuel cell, and tidal power.
annotated map. A map that includes a collection of notes about a specific location or an event that happened at a specific location. See also map.
antisemitism. Hostility towards or prejudice against Jews.
aquifer. A large, natural reservoir underground.
arable land. Land that can be used for growing crops. It is rich in nutrients, has a fresh water supply, and is located in a suitable climate.
artefact. An item (e.g., a tool, weapon, house- hold utensil, etc.) made by people in the past and now used as historical evidence.
Assembly of First Nations (AFN). A national representative organization of the First Nations in Canada. Formerly known as the National Indian Brotherhood, it became the Assembly
of First Nations in 1982. Each band council in the country elects a chief to participate in an annual general assembly of the AFN. A national chief is elected every three years by the Chiefs- in-Assembly.

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