Page 543 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 543

what circumstances, if any, do you think it
is appropriate for a democratic state to place limits on free speech or a free press?” “Why are some groups trying to introduce proportional representation to Canadian electoral politics?”
E1.5 identify countries or groups of countries that have supranational power, and analyse how such power affects international politics (e.g., with reference to superpowers such as the United States, Russia, and China; regional institu- tions/agreements such as the EU, Arab League, Pan-African Parliament, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Union of South American Nations, NAFTA)
Sample questions: “What are some reasons why neighbouring countries form regional alliances? Do you think these alliances are generally effective? Why or why not?” “What countries might participate in future alliances and with what objectives?”
E2. Technology and Globalization
FOCUS ON: Stability and Change; Political Perspective
By the end of this course students will:
E2.1 assess the influence of communications and information technologies, including social media, on politics in Canada and other countries (e.g., with reference to increasing difficulty of controlling public access to previously privileged information; the use of robocalling to influence voters, of blogs to criticize governments, of texting to share information, of crowdsourcing to address a problem, of social media to follow, communicate with, and comment on politicians; ease of spreading propaganda or disinformation; the need for measures to protect privacy/confidential information)
Sample questions: “What are some ways in which communications technology can be used to facilitate the electoral process? What are some ways in which it can be used to subvert the process?” “What are some benefits and drawbacks of online voting?” “How has the rise of social media influenced global awareness of government processes and/or the authority of governments? Is this a positive change? Why or why not?” “What role did social media play in the Egyptian revolution?”
E2.2 analyse how globalization has affected politics in and relations between various countries, including Canada
Sample questions: “What are some ways in which globalization affects political and cultural boundaries?” “What are some negative effects
of globalization? Apart from a policy of isolationism, what strategies are available to governments to mitigate such effects?” “What are some ways in which globalization has benefited Canadians? Are there some groups that have benefited more than others? If so, why? Which groups in Canada have been hurt by globalization?”
E2.3 analyse the impact of the power of multi- national enterprises (MNEs) (e.g., petrochemical, biotechnology, agribusiness, banking, media, clothing, automotive, computer, information technology, and/or mining companies) on political policy in and relations between various countries
Sample questions: “What impact have multi- national agribusiness companies had on the policies of some countries in Latin America?” “Why and how might a MNE seek to influence economic, labour, and/or environmental policies and regulations within a country?” “Why has the American government provided multi-billion dollar bailouts to banks and car companies?”
E3. HumanRightsatHomeandAbroad
FOCUS ON: Political Significance; Stability and Change
By the end of this course students will:
E3.1 analyse some violations of human rights in Canada (e.g., Chinese Head Taxes, internment of Japanese Canadians during World War II, residential school policies, segregation, laws that violated the rights of disabled people) as well as the Canadian government’s responses to violations of human rights, humanitarian crises, and genocides internationally (e.g., the Holocaust, the Holodomor, apartheid in South Africa, the Rwandan genocide, the humanitarian crisis/genocide in Darfur)
Sample questions: “What are some similarities and differences between government policies on Aboriginal rights and treaty issues in Canada and those in other countries such as Australia or New Zealand? What historical, political, social, and/or economic factors might account for any differences?” “What are some examples of a government’s offering a public apology for past injustices? What are the reasons for such apologies? How meaningful or effective do you think such apologies are in addressing historical and/or continuing inequities?”
E3.2 explain how various factors can either facilitate or limit the ability of the international community to intervene to prevent or mitigate violations of human rights (e.g., with reference
 Canadian and International Politics

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