Page 542 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 542

 Grade 12, University Preparation
 E1. Influence, Power, and Decision Making: demonstrate an understanding of how power is distributed and exercised in Canada and other countries, and of factors that affect its distribution (FOCUS ON: Political Significance; Objectives and Results)
E2. Technology and Globalization: assess the influence of globalization and technology on Canadian and international politics (FOCUS ON: Stability and Change; Political Perspective)
E3. Human Rights at Home and Abroad: explain violations of human rights in Canada and abroad as well as the role of Canadian and international laws, institutions, and processes in the protection of human rights (FOCUS ON: Political Significance; Stability and Change)
        THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
E1. Influence, Power, and Decision Making
FOCUS ON: Political Significance; Objectives and Results
By the end of this course students will:
E1.1 analyse the effect of various factors (e.g., geography, demography, economic resources, military strength) on the power of individual states and the global balance of power
Sample questions: “What criteria should be considered when measuring the power of a political entity?” “In what ways has the role
of the United States as a global superpower changed? What factors have contributed to those changes?” “Which countries in the world are perceived to have the most power? How might perceived power influence actual power?” “What impact does the possession of nuclear weapons have on a state’s power or perceived power and the global balance of power?”
E1.2 analyse how power is distributed in Canada and in various countries around the world (e.g., with reference to social, economic, political, judicial, military power)
Sample questions: “What is the relationship between economic and political power in Canada? Is the relationship similar or different in other countries?” “What are some states in
which the military plays a large role in politics? What are the political implications of this role?” “What are some benefits of a political structure that is based on a system of checks and balances? What are some drawbacks to such a structure?”
E1.3 explain some key similarities and differences between Canada’s system of government and that of other countries (e.g., Canada’s constitutional monarchy versus Iran’s theocracy, Brunei’s absolute monarchy, the U.S. republic, or Cuba’s one-party state; Canada’s federal state versus unitary states; powers held by the central government and other levels of government in Canada and elsewhere; who has and does not have the right to vote in Canada and elsewhere)
Sample questions: “What are some key similar- ities and differences between Canada’s system of government and those of Britain and the United States?” “Do you think Canada has closer relations with countries that have systems of government similar to our own?”
E1.4 explain the requirements for a democracy, and describe the characteristics and the strengths and weaknesses of different types of electoral systems used in democratic states (e.g., single- member plurality, proportional representation, run-off systems)
Sample questions: “What constitutes a democ- racy? Can a state be considered democratic if it places limitations on who can vote?” “Under
By the end of this course, students will:

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