Page 539 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 539

 C1.4 explain how various forms of dispute resolution (e.g., negotiations, mediation, arbitration, prosecution, International Court of Justice, sanctions, embargoes, war) are used to resolve conflicts between states, and assess their effectiveness in specific cases
Sample questions: “What are some examples of the use of economic sanctions to address international conflicts? What were the objectives of the sanctions? To what extent did the use of sanctions achieve those objectives?” “What are some examples of disputes that have been brought to the International Court of Justice? Are the court’s rulings always accepted by the countries involved? If not, what provisions are in place to enforce them? How effective are these provisions?”
C2. Intergovernmental Cooperation
FOCUS ON: Objectives and Results; Stability and Change
By the end of this course students will:
C2.1 analyse the roles of various intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) as well as Canada’s role in them (e.g., the UN, EU, African Union, World Health Organization, International Monetary Fund [IMF], World Trade Organization [WTO], Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, Association of South Asian Nations)
Sample questions: “Why do countries participate in IGOs?” “What is the role of the IMF and WTO? What are some ways in which these groups affect domestic political/economic policy in some countries?” “What are some IGOs in which Canada participates? Has Canada’s role in such organizations changed over time?” “What might be the effect of Canada’s choosing not to participate in some IGOs?”
C2.2 assess the effect on Canadians and the international community of various international agreements signed by Canada (e.g., North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA], Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species)
Sample questions: “What are some issues of interest to Canada that can be addressed only by a formal international agreement?” “How do you think the signing of a freer trade agree- ment with the EU will affect Canadians? How might the signing of a freer trade agreement with Pacific Rim nations affect people living
in those regions and in Canada? Why might people hold different positions on whether to enter into such agreements?”
C2.3 analyse how globalization and technological advances have created the need for new types of intergovernmental cooperation (e.g., with reference to nuclear weaponry; space exploration/ activity; environmental and labour regulation in industrializing countries; censorship, freedom of speech, and the Internet; international terrorism; drug trafficking), and explain what types of international organizations/agreements are being developed to address these changes
Sample questions: “What are some barriers
to establishing a fair, balanced, and equitable environment for international trade? What IGOs provide a forum for debating and negotiating international trade agreements?” “What IGOs deal with preventing the proliferation and use of nuclear weapons? What are some of their achievements? What are some areas in which they have been unsuccessful?”
C3. Canadian Government Policies and International Relations
FOCUS ON: Objectives and Results; Political Perspective
By the end of this course students will:
C3.1 describe Canada’s foreign policy objectives and assess the effectiveness of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) in achieving them
Sample questions: “Why did Ottawa fold the Canadian International Development Agency into DFATD?” “What are the implications of Canada’s losing its 2010 bid for a seat on the UN Security Council?”
C3.2 explain how various factors (e.g., commitments under existing treaties, domestic interest groups, international non-governmental organizations [NGOs], foreign governments, the political perspective of the party in power, the health
of the Canadian economy) influence Canada’s foreign policy objectives and actions
Sample questions: “What are some examples of the influence of Canada’s commitment to human rights and democratic values on its foreign policy?” “What are some examples of the influence of economic considerations on Canada’s foreign policy?”
Canadian and International Politics

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