Page 537 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 537

beliefs in the right to self-determination with respect to governance, land, and resources influenced Canadian politics?” “What impact did ethnic rivalries have on the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia? What impact did the conflict between these groups have on other countries?”
B3.3 analyse how various social and cultural factors, including aspects of social/cultural identity, influence politics in and relations between various countries, including Canada (e.g., with reference to shared language/culture, education levels and literacy rates, fertility rates, health and welfare, immigration, international sporting events)
Sample questions: “How and why might immigration influence political policies in
a country and/or its relations with other countries?” “How has the AIDS pandemic affected domestic and foreign policy in some countries?” “Why might a country bid to host the Olympics or the Pan-American Games? What impact can such events have on inter- national relations?”
B3.4 analyse various ways in which domestic political policies influence a country’s relations with other countries (e.g., with reference to apartheid, political persecution, or other human rights abuses; militarism and expansionism; economic protectionism or openness to free trade; relations between countries with different political outlooks)
Sample questions: “What impact do domestic politics in the United States and Cuba have on relations between those two countries?” “What impact has nuclear testing by North Korea had on its relations with other countries?” “What impact does Canada’s policy with respect to the Northwest Passage have on its relations with other countries?”
B3.5 analyse how religion influences politics in and relations between various countries, including Canada (e.g., with reference to the public funding of secular and religious schools, ideas about the separation of church and state, the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the influence of religious teaching about gender roles, the role of religious fundamentalism in conflicts around the world)
Sample questions: “How do religious differences between Muslim Sunni and Shia sects affect politics within and between countries?” “What are some ways in which religious affiliations/ identities can influence politics, even in an officially secular state?” “What is a theocracy? What impact can the religious affiliation of a theocracy have on its political policies?”
B3.6 analyse how geographic and environmental factors influence politics in and relations between various countries, including Canada (e.g., with reference to geographic location, natural resources, water scarcity, climate change, environ- mental degradation, natural disasters, invasive species)
Sample questions: “How does the relationship of First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit people with the environment influence their position on some political issues?” “What are the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol? What are its limitations? Why has Canada withdrawn from the protocol? What impact do you think this will have?” “What are some ways in which countries’ need for oil and gas affects inter- national relations?”
 Canadian and International Politics

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