Page 418 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 418

 Grade 12, College Preparation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
B3.2 describe some significant artistic achieve- ments in different societies during this period (e.g., with reference to painting, stained glass, mosaics, illuminated manuscripts, African masks, Nanga; Ottoman, Mughal, or Ming dynasty architecture; the art, architecture, or music of
the Renaissance or the early Baroque period in Europe), and explain how they contributed to the development of identity and/or heritage in those societies
Sample questions: “How would you go about measuring the importance of art and architecture in the Ottoman or Mughal Empires at this time?” “Who produced illuminated manuscripts? Why were they important?”
B3.3 describe how some significant individuals from different societies contributed to the identity and/or heritage of their societies during this period (e.g., Altan Khan, Christopher Columbus, Deganawida [the Peacemaker], Elizabeth I, Galileo, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Ivan the Terrible, Martin Luther, Michelangelo, Francisco Pizarro, Cardinal Richelieu, Sonni Ali)
Sample questions: “Suleiman I is known as ‘the Magnificent’. Why? Is that title justifiable? What did he do? What impact did he have on his society?”

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