Page 417 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
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Empires during this time? What might account for the differences?” “What were some differences among the political systems of First Nations in North America during this period?” “What are some ways in which different political structures affected social hierarchies? How did they affect the treatment of women, various categories of workers, and/or elderly people?”
B2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation
FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Historical Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 identify some key conflicts in different regions during this period (e.g., between Mongols and Chinese, Japan and Korea, Spain and England, Spain and Portugal, or Spanish conquistadors and the Incas and/or Aztecs; the Onin War; the Battle of Lepanto), and analyse their impact on the lives of people in these regions
Sample questions: “What did the continued fortification of the Great Wall of China during this period reveal about the external threats that China faced?” “What impact did conflict with conquistadors have on indigenous people in Central and/or South America?”
B2.2 describe some developments related to warfare during this period, and explain their impact (e.g., with reference to the increasing use of gunpowder; changes in armour, weaponry, and/or fortification styles; the size of armies; casualties and fatalities)
Sample questions: “What were some significant changes to the construction of castles or castle towns and to the role of samurai in Japan during this time period? What impact did these changes have? What was the role of the ninja during this period?” “What was life like for someone in an army or navy at this time?”
B2.3 analyse the impact of some key instances of social, political, and/or economic cooperation on the lives of people in different regions during this period (e.g., the impact of cooperation between colonists and indigenous people, cultural exchange, or the expansion of trade)
Sample questions: “What contribution did Abu Akbar make to political cooperation in the Mughal Empire? What impact did his actions have? Would all people in South Asia at the time have viewed his contributions in the same way?”
B2.4 explain the importance of religion/spiritual- ity as a force in shaping various communities during this period (e.g., with reference to the Protestant and Catholic Reformations; the Spanish Inquisition; missionary work; the Edict of Nantes; the expulsion of Christians from Japan; conflict between Muslims and Christians; marginalization and/or expulsion of Jews; the importance of religious art, music, and/or architecture; the power of religious/spiritual representatives)
Sample questions: “What does the Alhambra Decree reveal about how Spanish Christians viewed Jews at this time? What were the conse- quences of the decree for Jews living in Spain?” “What power did religious/spiritual represent- atives such as priests, rabbis, imams, and shamans have in their communities?” “What impact did Henry VIII’s wish to annul his
first marriage have on religion and religious communities in England during this period?”
B2.5 explain how exploration and colonialism affected the lives of people in different societies during this period (e.g., the impact that Christian missionaries had on people in the Americas and Asia, the role and impact of Islam and foreign trade in different parts of Africa, the impact that invaders and colonizers had on the indigenous peoples of different societies, the role of the Silk Road in the development of communities, the impact of new food stuffs)
Sample questions: “What impact did the increase in exploration and colonization have on African societies? Why were some African nations more deeply affected than others by the slave trade?”
B3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage
FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Continuity and Change
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 explain how some key factors affected the rights and obligations of people in different societies during this period (e.g., with reference to caste, class, and other types of social hierarchy; gender; slavery; religious or political persecution; the publication of the Malleus Maleficarum; social codes)
Sample questions: “What were the intended and unintended consequences of the ideas behind bushido or chivalry codes? Why might it have been important to establish these codes?” “What values or ideas of the time were reflected in the institutions of slavery and serfdom?”
THE WORLD, 1450–1650
 World History since the Fifteenth Century

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