Page 365 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 365

significance of changes associated with the welfare state?” “In what ways did Margaret Thatcher change political policy in Britain? Why did her policies generate so much resistance?”
D2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation
FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Historical Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 explain key causes of some international conflicts during this period as well as the impact of these conflicts on various communities (e.g., with reference to the Berlin Blockade, the Korean War, the Suez Crisis, the Algerian War, the Soviet response to the Hungarian Revolution or Prague Spring, the Six Day War, the War in the Falklands, or Indonesia’s invasion of East Timor)
Sample questions: “In what ways was the Vietnam War linked to both colonialism and the Cold War? What impact did this war have on North and South Vietnam? The United States? Canada? How did these different countries – or different groups in these countries – view the war?”
D2.2 analyse key causes of some internal conflicts in two or more regions of the world during this period as well as the impact of these conflicts on various people (e.g., with reference to the partition of India, the anti-apartheid movement
in South Africa, the Dirty War in Argentina, the Salvadoran Civil War, the Zimbabwe War of Liberation, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the Iranian Revolution, civil war in Sri Lanka, the October Crisis in Canada, Tiananmen Square protests in China)
Sample questions: “What criteria would you use to rank the factors that led to the Cuban Revolution?” “What were some of the similarities and differences between apartheid in South Africa and segregation in the American South and challenges to both systems?” “What was the impact for Ugandans of the coup that brought Idi Amin to power?”
D2.3 demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of the blocs in the Cold War,
and explain some major consequences of this conflict, with reference to both international relations and national policies in some countries (e.g., with reference to the Berlin Wall and the
partition of Germany, the Truman Doctrine, the Warsaw Pact, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO], censorship, the suppression of dissent, the arms race, the space race, the Cuban Missile Crisis)
Sample questions: “What was the motivation behind the Truman Doctrine? What impact did this policy of communist containment have on U.S. support for dictators such as Augusto Pinochet or Anastasio Somoza?” “What impact did the Cold War have on intelligence-gathering agencies in the West and the Soviet bloc?”
D2.4 analyse the effectiveness of cooperation in the international arena during this period (e.g., with reference to the Marshall Plan, the UN, the Organization of American States, the work of Lester B. Pearson during the Suez Crisis, the Camp David Accords, the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Glasnost, Live Aid, trade agreements, inter- national peacekeeping efforts, non-governmental organizations [NGOs] working in international development)
Sample questions: “What trends or develop- ments contributed to the rise of international NGOs during this period? What is the role of some of these organizations? What criteria would you use to evaluate their effectiveness?”
D2.5 analyse the role of religion/spirituality in two or more regions of the world during this period (e.g., with reference to Islamic theocracies; Sikh nationalism; the role of religion in conflict in the Middle East; liberation theology in Latin America; the position of religious institutions
on social issues such as the role of women, birth control, civil rights, gay rights; the role of religious institutions in providing social services; the role of religious institutions in operating boarding schools for indigenous children in Canada, the United States, and/or Australia; the work of Oscar Romero, Desmond Tutu, or Mother Teresa; new religious movements such as Scientology or the Unification Church)
Sample questions: “What role did religion or religious leaders play in the civil rights movement in the United States during this period?” “What role did religion play in the Iranian Revolution?”
 World History since 1900:
Global and Regional Interactions

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