Page 363 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
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this period (e.g., Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Chiang Kai-shek, Winston Churchill, Francisco Franco, Mohandas Gandhi, Haile Selassie I, Emperor Hirohito, Adolf Hitler, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin)
Sample questions: “How did Indians tend
to view Gandhi at this time? How did British colonial authorities view him? How would you explain the difference in perspective?” “What impact did the women who pressed the Persons Case have on Canadian citizenship?”
C3.4 describe some key cultural trends and/or developments during this period, and analyse their significance (e.g., with reference to fashion, music, design trends such as art deco or Bauhaus, “talkies”, the Harlem Renaissance, the work of the Group of Seven, socialist realism, surrealism, the propaganda films of Leni Riefenstahl or Walt Disney; the work of Coco Chanel, Salvador Dali, Kahlil Gibran, Pablo Picasso, Diego Rivera, or
Virginia Woolf; the creation of the superhero by DC and Marvel comics)
Sample questions: “What is the relationship between the creation of the modern idea of a ‘superhero’ in comics and global problems at this time? Why might superheroes be so popular again today?”
C3.5 identify some key symbols associated with these years (e.g., flappers, gangsters, Blackshirts, breadlines, the dustbowl, the swastika, the yellow star of David, kulaks, Rosie the Riveter, kamikazes, U-boats), and explain why they came to represent this period
Sample questions: “In the past, to whom was this symbol significant? What did this particular symbol represent to them? Why do you think it has been so enduring a symbol? Has its impact changed over time? If so, for whom?”
 World History since 1900:
Global and Regional Interactions

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