Page 328 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 328

 Grade 11, University/College Preparation
  THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
introduction of a common currency help
Qin Shi Huangdi unite China?” “What was the importance of caravanserais to trade in Persia?” “Why would some form of taxation or tribute be necessary to support a civilization? What are some ways in which civilizations raised the funds needed to support their infrastructure?” “What rights of ownership, possession, and transferability of property did citizens have
in some flourishing societies?”
C1.4 describe key political and legal structures as well as some significant political ideas in various flourishing societies/civilizations, and explain how they contributed to the success of these societies/civilizations (e.g., with reference to the Mandate of Heaven and royal dynasties in China; limited democracy in ancient Athens; the emperor and senate in imperial Rome; translatio imperii and the Holy Roman Empire; the Code of Hammurabi; the Law of the Twelve Tables)
Sample questions: “What systems of control did Samudragupta use to consolidate his empire?” “What system of government was founded by Minamoto no Yoritomo? What was its long-term significance for Japanese government and society?” “What were the consequences of Isabella I’s support for Christopher Columbus?”
C2. Stability and Expansion
FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Continuity and Change
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 explain how various factors contributed
to the stability of societies (e.g., an established religion, effective bureaucracy, family structures, education, interdependent classes or castes, effective approaches for settling disputes, military presence, natural or built defences, legal codes), and assess the importance of stability to a flourishing civilization
Sample questions: “How important were the multiple walls surrounding Babylon to that city’s success and stability?” “What role did legal codes and civil administrators play in ensuring stability during and after the Tang Dynasty? How important were they to the success of imperial China?” “What factors contributed to the Pax Romana? Why is this seen as a significant period in Roman history?”
C2.2 analyse the role of warfare, including specific battles, in the expansion and consolidation of empires and/or civilizations (e.g., the Battle of Gaugamela and the expansion of the Macedonian
Empire; the Battle of Zama and enhanced security for the Roman Empire; the end of the Warring States period in China with the establishment of the Qin Dynasty; Norse and Mongol conquests and the expansion of their territory)
Sample questions: “What are some battles that were key turning points in the consolidation
of the power of a civilization? How did they contribute to change for the victor and the vanquished?” “How and why did warfare affect various groups in a given society in different ways?” “What was the significance of the Battle of Hastings for Norman expansion?”
C2.3 explain the role of military innovation in the expansion of various societies/civilizations (e.g., technological innovations such as the Hittites’ use of iron weapons or the development of gunpowder, military innovations of Macedonian troops under Alexander the Great, the development of the testudo formation by Roman legions, Spartan hoplites, Mongol military tactics under Genghis Khan, the role of the samurai under Shogun Yoritomo)
Sample questions: “Why was Hannibal con- sidered such a brilliant military tactician?” “How did the use of gunpowder revolutionize warfare?” “How did the Ottomans capture Constantinople, which had been considered impregnable?”
C2.4 describe educational practices in various flourishing societies/civilizations (e.g., with reference to apprenticeships for artisans; training for healers, administrators, monarchs, soldiers; the roles of the home, schools, early universities; libraries and the production of books; the roles of nuns, monks, priests, imams, rabbis; the influence of philosophers), and explain how they contrib- uted to stability in these societies
Sample questions: “What educational practices were used in Sparta? How were these different from those in Athens?” “What was the signifi- cance of the library at Alexandria?” “What
was the significance of Nalanda University? What role did monks play at Nalanda? What similarities and differences were there between the role of Buddhist monks at Nalanda and that of Christian monks and nuns in the education reforms enacted by Charlemagne?”
C2.5 analyse the influence of religion/spirituality in various flourishing societies/civilizations, and explain how it contributed to stability
in these societies (e.g., with reference to claims by rulers to divinity or divine authority; the role of religion in reinforcing or challenging political stability; the impact of sacred books such as the Vedas, the Bible, the Torah, or the Qu’ran on social

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